

i have installed CB when i configure email notification no way to get it work (test and normal use too).
When i try to do test it say me that message test can’t be delivered.

any suggestion?

from log:

16.04.2012 19:13:10 Requesting encryption password for backup
16.04.2012 19:13:21 Running scheduled backup /edsgu_inc_files/
16.04.2012 19:13:21 Collecting Information…
16.04.2012 19:13:23 Error occurred during creating zip file
16.04.2012 19:13:23 Unable to send notification email because 53
16.04.2012 19:13:23 Backup failed with code 55 (Access denied).

After the error occurs collect the debug information and post it here for analysis.

We have also a Problem with CB
When we click to “Send test message” on the firewall we see a connection to SMTP but the button “Send test message” remains grey and we don’t receive an email

On the email server i see Comodo connect send the EHLO and then it hangs!

The same error

Unable to send notification email because 53

[attachment deleted by admin]


I had the same error.

Before running a backup, I exported the settings to a script. Opening the script in a text editor, I noticed that the e-Mail notification settings were wrongly saved in the script. For most parameters the last characters were missing, and some quotes to.
I corrected the script. When executing the backup with the script, the e-mail notification works correctly.

Best regards


These issues will be fixed in the future releases of COMODO Backup.

Thank you for your support !