Do you like and/or use Threatfire?

what do i know :slight_smile: i only use default set up and set the protection to level 4. ;D
hey,i haven’t install any Av right now. perhaps Threatfire only is enough?
i mean, it’s got malware database, quarantine & scan ability, pretty much like an AV to me. ???

I know they use a black/white list and have anti-virus signatures as well. However, I’m not sure the Anti-virus signatures are mature enough and if the realtime routine checks all files written to the disk, like a true Anti-virus app. If you are only using CFP firewall only with TF at level 4, I would add either Avast Home or Antivir along with it. Remember, TF is more behaviour Analysis, similar to D+.


Good to have you here on the forums Icecube :slight_smile: You seem like a pretty cool guy.

thanks Kyle, good to be back!


+1 always good to see a new face here :-TU

thanks again andyman35. Back on topic, I think TF 4.0 is an improvement over the 3.5 version. It runs light on my rig (Vista Home, 2G ram, dual core 3G) but D+ in safe mode is as good as it gets IMHO. You just need to be careful if your in installation mode. This is where TF could help out but I’ll stick with CIS and help the developers out if I spot something.


I personally think that once CIS matures to include better whitelisting and virtualization then it’ll not require any other similar IDS type application,IMO though for now it does provide a safety net if required,especially for non techies.