CPF may have some Competition

See this is where I out smarted many…I used the 2.333333333333333333333 beta version! ha! It didn’t have this flaw! So enjoyed my firewall all this time while waiting for the final release! ;D ;D You other users didn’t catch on !
Slow pokes!! :wink: <----kidding of course, I am in a good mood today, or had too much caffein again. :stuck_out_tongue:



Caffein… sure… :stuck_out_tongue:

loll, you are most certainly right! :wink:



Good mood? That’ll be Scomodo’s brainwashing started already. You’ll soon be on his side. ;D


Only a mattar of time now!

My mind will never be tainted with the bunny! I like rabbit stew too much for that! (:WIN)



Yep, I use to watch Mork and Mindy. I wish I was in my thirties again, I’m in my late forties. :frowning:

Well i’m closer to 40 than i’d like to be. I was a Kiss fan from what seems ages ago , oh wait, it was, loll. I saw your “Kiss rules the world”, good, perhaps they will stop that darn bunny. I used to have all the collectors cards with the gum, well didn’t keep the gum but anyway, I had them all and had a defective number 81, a part of Gene Simmons boot, as the backs of the cards made a huge poster. I wish my mom wouldn’t have thrown them out, rrrrrrrrr. Especially the defective no.81, I think it was 81. Had all the albums, but melted in house fire.
I had the Kiss collector dolls, the 12" but I scraped Gene Simmons make up off to see what he looked like, and ran around the neighborhood screaming, “I unmasked him! I did!” Actually, it did look like him so I cheated and unmasked them prior to an actual unmasking. ;D Oh well, child stuff you know?



Yeah, I’ve been a fan since 1976 when I first saw them in concert in Detroit. I also have a big collection of their stuff, from records to action figures to a large Gene Simmons figure on top of my TV stand that sings God of Thunder. My favorite is the comic book that came out in the 70’s that the band actually put some of their blood into the ink.

As for the bunny, he had best remember this:

It was a long time since KISS ruled the world… :wink:
Are they still alive…? ???
Now, SCOMODO™ rules the world! ;D

Do you remember Kiss meets the Phantom movie? That was the ultimate movie to us at the time, I ordered the free Kiss Meets the Phantom comic book through the mail, not the regular Kiss series but the free movie book. I had forgotten all about it. Dressed to Kill was my favorite album at I think 7 years old. Wow, memories flooding in… :o



Belive it or not, I own that movie, I found it online, I also found a fan video of the 76 concert I was at, so I HAD to buy it too. My favorite album has always been Alive 1, it was like being at a concert at home. (:CLP)

YOU HAVE IT??? :o :o :o :o oh, man, I have to look for this online. My kids would like it too I hope. My 8 year old just saw a picture of KISS and he said, “Hey dad! That’s my favorite one!” I wouldn’t suppose you could guess WHO that was? lol. I think Gene was almost every kid’s favorite along with teens at the time. The girls liked Paul the most, at least where I lived anyway. I agree, as I got older kiss alive was numero uno! I still have the cover but the records are long gone. I wish I still had this stuff but hey, it gives me something to hit Ebay for. :wink:



Thanks all, you are making me feel young… You saw a Kiss concert in 76. I wasn’t born until 77 ;D Definitely a good band though… One thing I am really into is music, and COMODO of course…

Holy Scomodo droppings batman! You mean i’m older than you? That bites. loll. kidding. I was a 71 baby. I never realized until this moment how close that was to the 60’s. Although I will always cherish KISS, Metallica is and always will be my #1 band. Kiss #2. Most who know me say, you don’t look like the type to listen to that kind of music. I think to myself, well, could it be because…I’M GROWN UP NOW??. My wife may disagree. :wink: I used to have the long hair, typical 80’s torn jeans, etc… (:KWL) when I in fact had hair, lollll. Now just a landing strip for mosquitos.



Geeze!.. I was looking at colleges in 77 My daughter was born in 83.

Ahh Metallica, I saw them in concert at the Post Gazette Pavilion back in 93 I think. Has to be the best Concert I was ever at… When they started “One” with the Chopper blades it sounded so real, and the fireworks were going off like the bombs, oh man it was something.

I use to have long hair also, now I also have that same strip…

I heard a band not too long ago that just reminded me of Metallica, they were very good but from Norway I think. I’ll have to see if I can find them…

I don’t feel like I was born in 77 believe me…lol More like 37

Any of these ?

MusicMoz - Regional: Europe: Norway: Bands and Artists

babel fish comes to mind.

By the way, I envy you, I have never gotten to see the big M in concert! Where I live, we had REO speedwagon for almost 12 or 13 years in a row at the state fair, no joke. With the exception of DefLeppard about 7 years ago, that was awesome as well, I told the drummer he was number 1 and he pointed at me and mouthed —'n right, loll <—very edited. That was great. Couldn’t hear my kids for two weeks, that was better.



Nope I was wrong, they are from Sweden. OK so they sound nothing like James, but they have some good sounds… Check them out here… http://www.myspace.com/hammerfall

Lolll, lmao, no not Norway, lollll. They are good though! If you join, can you download the music free then? I would like to, like the sound, the look, good beat.

