COMODO Time Machine 2.4.125818.154 FINAL Released!

Excellent point!

You are spot on. :slight_smile:

CTM is, IMO, amazingly fast and effective… From bootup to shutdown.


Based on what happened with the beta…I have I feeling CTM won’t work until I reformat. 88)

Who said I was using VirtualBox to test “application responsiveness”? I use it for fun to test operating systems, applications, and malware. I personally don’t care about application responsiveness - I just want to see how things work. I’ve already got my own “100%” setup on my REAL system anyway.

I’ve decided not to use CTM, as it’s not what I’m after. Good luck to those using it.

I used beta 1, beta 2, rc 1 and rc 2 version of CTM with no problems, but after installing final version and restart - I got BSOD

Some of you may want to read this to understand CTM:

Nice review…


Thanks. :stuck_out_tongue:

Stickied it.

CTM completely destroyed my Win7. Thank you!

Your welcome. 88)

How? :stuck_out_tongue:

Was it when you tried to uninstall it?

I had that happen to me with the last Review Candidate.

Thank You COMODO. It’s GREAT !

Exactly. But this time it wast with final version.

Same happened to me with xp completly trashed my system

Have i missed something?
Why do i need CTM if i have “System Restore”
Perhaps someone could explain.

[b]How is CTM functionally different or better than the regular Windows System Restore (WSR) feature?[/b] WSR only restores certain elements such as the registry and system files. CTM restores your entire system– including files, folders and installed programs. This is invaluable for many reasons. If you accidentally delete important data you can instantly reclaim it. If your files become infected by viruses you can restore them to a time before the infection occurred. Incidentally, CTM is perfectly compatible with WSR and you can run both together quite happily. However, you may want to consider disabling WSR in order to save disk space and resource usage. (Frequent Questions)


When? :THNK

Whenever they get around to it. :stuck_out_tongue:

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