Comodo telemetry task

The problem also reproduces on Windows 10 Insider 17107 x64. My initial findings were on Windows 8.1 x64.

I’m using Internet Security

My System is Windows Fall Creators 1709 x64 build 16299.125

Voted in support of being able to permanently disable this task, much like you can do with updates. As of now it reappears if deleted, and re-enables if disabled. Thank you.

Can you explain me why program update and database update tasks are stopped when deselected in Comodo but CMC and telemetry are not?

It looks like you found a bug. Could you please file a bug report on this in Bug Reports - CIS following the required guidelines?

Similar bug report is already exists:

Do i have to use your own firewall to block your program (comodo firewall) from using telemetry? (It keeps creating a scheduler task named comodo telemetry)


@SicknT1r3d. I have merged your topic with an already existing topic. And to answer your question:

In fact , COMODO Telemetry task is activated by Comodo each time when you close “COMODO Advanced Settings” dialog (with ‘OK’ button pressing, at least). Behaviour like this is always annoying, since it doesn’t obey user’s rules.

For ones being worried about Comodo’s telemetry I can recommend to change executable name “C:\Program Files\COMODO\COMODO Internet Security\cis.exe” to a wrong one in the scheduler’s task (task name is “COMODO Telemetry {18AD…”).

I also want to know what is “COMODO CMC” task?

Can confirm. Comodo Firewall v10.2.

Already reported as a bug . . . and CMC is Comodo Message Centre

Ok, thanks. What Comodo Message Centre does? Why it wakes up each hour? If I need no support from Comodo, can I disable it?

Sure - but it can be quite useful and is harmless: Customize User Interface, Virus Protection, Password Management | Internet Security

Advanced Settings > User Interface, then uncheck the ‘Show Messages from COMODO Message Center’ box on the right

Thanks for explanation. Looks like something informative service, but do such messages have a worth in a practice?

Well… it was useful when they informed users to immediately update the product as it was not compatible with a specific Windows 10 version.

Ok, thanks.

I have been troubleshooting this exact scenario last week and this week. No matter what I do to those tasks, they all get automatically re-enabled at some point and even if I ■■■■ them away, they get recreated at the next reboot! VERY DISTURBING. It should not work that way. Even if I do all this as a God Admin, the results are the same.

Also, there is a regular download that keeps trying to come down to my systems, an HTTP 1.1 GET request for
I say “trying” because my firewall block this thinking it is coming from a .zip domain. What is this file exactly, and why all of a sudden have I started seeing it going to all my computers?

Any way to address the task issue earlier than the next release?

Oh yeah, I am seeing this behavior on Win 7 32 bit and 64bit, and also Windows 8.1. Don’t have Comodo on my Win 10 system…

Solution / workaround

But at first…

Long story short: I had a problem with a self minimizing full screen mode. After some investigation I found the cause (and solution). COMODO CMC task. Each start of this task minimizes the full screen mode.

As you have already noticed, you cant edit it/disable permanently or remove. But practically u cant only remove it. U can edit it/disable permanently.

How? Its simple:

  • Navigate to: “C:\Windows\System32\Tasks\COMODO”. As u can see, each task has its own file.
  • After editing the task in the Windows Task Manager Scheduler *, u can/need set read only attribute in file properties.
  • From now the task settings will not be restored to the default settings.

Thats all.

  • Edited. (a little ; ) mistake, sry)

Dang that’s simple. I didn’t even think of that! Thank you. This is an annoying feature that has truly been bugging me.

Thank you! But can you or another one help me? How can I edit the file in the taskmanager? I understand “edit” like edit with wordpad/editor etc