BETA NOTICE: This product is intended for special users (BETA Testers) who would like to join the testing process. It may contain major bugs that could cause serious problems and not be suitable for your everyday use yet. Please do not use it in your production machines.
Download Locations:
Setup for Windows XP 32-bit/64-bit, Windows Vista 32-bit/64-bit, Windows 7 32-bit/64-bit:
If you have an unmonitored app, you can uninstall by:
using the windows uninstaller via CPM, THEN
scanning filesystem and registry for entries that appear to be related
The scan probably looks in frequently used locations from which it is usually safe to delete. The scan is probably basically an intelligent string search for vendor, app name, and for entries pointed to by such entries. Maybe hints from the windows installer are used as well.
I appreciate your reply mouse1! You’re probably right about it, however…
I do not understand, if Comodo wants beta testers, why they’ve not explained exactly what this is, when/why you’d use it, and what the implications of it might be. I for one won’t touch it for now.
A third uninstall method based on a scan (Revo like) and clean system was introduced in this release.
It’s an heuristic method which consists of scanning the system for certain predefined information ( application name, install location, application version etc. ) and all the disk and registry entries found, related to the specific application, will be marked for deletion. The Scan will be applied before running the application’s own uninstaller. Exactly as the standard method, the scan uninstall is available for every application installed, unlike the other two methods ( monitored app. uninstall and database app. uninstall ) which applies only for monitored and database monitored applications. The new method will act as a more light uninstall method compared with the other two.
thanks for the reply alex. this was a much needed feature now cpm is a great competitor with revo. i will setup a vm a test the scan uninstall this weekend
i wasnt able to test the scan uninstall. i installed a few apps and the apps were DB monitored so i couldnt use the scan uninstall. there is a drop down menu to pick which way to uninstall but it wouldnt allow me to use the scan uninstall.
i would like to see some GUI changes. an uninstall wizard would make cpm easier to use and more logical. similar to revo. let the user pick what to uninstall from a list of install apps then open a new window and have the user pick the uninstall method. cpm will tell the user to go through the apps standard uninstaller once finshed it should show a list of left over files. this seems like a great time for some gui changes with this major release to 2.0
this is what i have done to test scanned feature in beta in VmWARe
i installed k lite codec 7.8 and uninstall using scanned to check scanned feature CPM 2 beta but it didnt show all registry entry just 1 entry was found and when i tried to clean registry with CFM 4 beta …it show many registry missed by CPM…
then i again installed k lite codec 7.8 in fresh windows …uninstalled with monitored feature…it removed all the entries…
so i think scanned feature is not powerful enough… please improved this feature…
alex is there something wrong with the DB uninstall. it wasnt working for version 1.3 or 2 it just stops the uninstall and says uninstall process ended with errors
For no doubts I mean this
When app is monitored - all right, CPM is deleting monitored data (this little progress window on the right, on the bottom of your screen).
When app is not monitored - CPM is not scanned for traces, you have to uninstall it via main CPM program.