COMODO Online Storage 2.x whishlist

ability to stream any format of video files in the browser or ccloud app for android without having to download it. and the ability to save any content on a web page such as videos, pics, pdf, etc via right click so you don’t have to download the file and then upload it

I have to 2nd uploading a folder to cloud through the browser. Cloud has massive potential for me at the minute but I’m having problems with disconnects using cloud and failed uploads using back up. Perhaps I can upload a rar file and unpack it there not sure ??? Using ubuntu cloud at minute until the comodo problems fixed.

Make an option for one-key download all files from the folder. (or download whole folder).

yes!!! you are right…ccloud is missing feature to download folder… its hard to go one by one file

You can use the CCloud drive for this.
