COMODO Internet Security Glitched up the Preview Version of Win10 Ver1703. It took off the names of applications & glitched many menus. Please make it compatible w/ Ver1703. The way it happened was I installed it on Win10 Ver1703, Rebooted, & it happened.
Hi Protected_PC,
We are working on a release, expected by 10th April or earlier, which solves compatibility issues with upcoming Windows release.
Thank you umesh for the news of the next CIS release in regards to compatibility of the upcoming Windows 10 release. I am going to sticky this topic for other users awareness on the issue.
Holy ■■■■, you wait until the literally last minute to drop this, April 10th, when the Windows Update gets pushed out on the 11th… out for download on the 5th, and is even out now if you want to early.
This just makes me want to cancel my subscription, the lack of transparency, and support here is ridiculous. Why hasn’t Comodo been on top of this?
I’ve pushed from the start about the importance of the Insider builds.
Nobody would consider them serious to look at. Now we get this…
what about CCAV ? does it have any compatibility issues? or maybe CISE ?
If you have questions about other products please ask on the appropriate board.
Thank you
I know a early fix is always better, but a late one is not a option.
Whatever problems Comodo has with keeping up with Win 10 will have to be solved if they intend to continue with CIS.
the title of this topic is about comodo, not about cis only, that’s why i asked
Mmm also suggest strongly Title of this topic is changed, will lead to lotsa problems otherwise
I read these posts with great interest, but here’ one from another forum and there are plenty more:
‘Test builds are test builds. Norton, as well as other software (such as 64-bit Google Chrome, which is known to crash on launch in this build), may or may not work. Norton does not support pre-release software’
A lot of queries are simply ignores or answered with similar. They are basically too busy to release versions that support constantly updated releases that change at the drop of a hat
I trust Comodo to have a product that works when it is necessary once a stable release version of Win 10 is out. You won’t find many (if any) forums that respond as this one does with help and advice for a multitude of differing OS and platforms
I understand that it is NOT reasonable to expect CIS to work with test/beta/pre-release versions of Windows because of the huge resources needed to maintain compatibility with a moving target.
It IS however reasonable to expect that CIS would be automatically updated to be compatible with a new version of Windows BEFORE that version is officially released via Windows Update given that many users cannot defer Windows updates.
And for that, I’m quite prepared to trust Comodo in their testing and response, which has already been given to us, without constant feedback and re-assurances to everyone on multiple postings. I don’t really expect Comodo to do any more as they get ready
Also according to Microsoft, ’ When the update is ready for your device, you’ll receive a notification asking you to review your privacy settings before downloading the update’!
Hi Im_Special,
We totally understand that we are a bit late, sorry about that.
We are trying to get it out by 6th April as earliest, max could be in unforeseen circumstances by 10th.
Hi MartiusD,
Yes, we must release Comodo update before MS offer updates.
As i see from news, MS likely to update by 11th April and as long as we release on 6th April, we should be in good position if not the best.
Hi Jon79,
I have replied here:;msg853473#msg853473
from post:
We have CCAV release coming on 5th April, that fixes compatibility issues in CCAV. We have already issued CISE update that is fully compatible with Win10 creators update. So if you install CCAV now, CISE is downloaded on the fly and is fully compatible with Win10 creators update.
guys, the problem is that the insiderpreview 15063.0 IS in fact the RTM build that will be released world wide on 10th and for rush users on 5th… so if its know that this is the rtm build, why not update cis and ccav to be compatible with this build?
The only thing that will change until 5 or 10th are cumulative updates.
In fact, if anyone wants, you can grab the 15063.0 iso, install it and keep it uptodate so you will end up with the rtm (that already is) updated as anybody else…
I had noticed it before and windstorm took it with a sense of humor that is worth quoting:
:-TU 8)
The title maybe, but the op is very specific.
Also please note this a board for CIS not a general topic board.
Thank you
Good to hear. When this is over, let’s all have a snowball fight.