Comodo Internet Security v10.1.0.6476 Updates Released

I just wanted to say , CIS works fine and without problems on my windows 7 64bit system . The latest windows updates were installed after updating cis via integrated updater . No problems so far !

Thanks to Umesh and to the whole Developer Team !!! :-TU :wink:

Thanks Umesh :-TU

Yes, from past experiences thatā€™s what I always do. And thank god for a proper removal tool - finally!

Hi umesh,
Thanks for your comment and information.

Regards, tosna

Just updated to the new version. So far so good :-TU

I tried to install MKVToolNix v20.0.0. Installer triggered alert. Then mkvtoolnix-gui.exe got sandboxed. After running outside sandbox, firewall alert appeared. And after that, two alerts for executing mkvmerge.exe showed up. A total of 4 of unwarranted and unneeded alerts for completely safe and properly digitally signed application. Unbelievable.

Excuse me? You have been long enough around to know that you can submit the vendor and application in Submit Applications Here To Be Whitelisted - 2018.

I have submitted a huge pile of software via CIS and only fracture of it get approved. I wonā€™t keep checking what happened to every software I ever submitted, when after every clean install I keep seeing alerts for the same apps over and over again for years. Iā€™m sick and tired of being sick and tired seeing them for so long. Iā€™m too old for this.

And donā€™t get me started about UWP apps. Because the fact that I have to manually create an ignore rule in order to stop them being sandboxed every time they are updated, is just sad.

There is an upside to this: I can ā€œrecommendā€ CIS to the people I hate and laugh my ā– ā– ā–  off listening to their complaints how their apps suddenly donā€™t work anymore, because CIS is silently blocking them. Because this happened when I installed CIS to my motherā€™s computer. Never again.

Itā€™s hard to discuss things when we donā€™t know the facts but letā€™s give it a go.

It is better to submit whitelist requests through the forums. A clean install is usually done every once and a while. When an individual gets whitelisted an updated version may not get whitelisted. Thatā€™s what could explain what you are seeing. Requesting the vendor to be trusted is a better strategy for programs you use over longer stretches of time.

There is an upside to this: I can "recommend" CIS to the people I hate and laugh my ā– ā– ā–  off listening to their complaints how their apps suddenly don't work anymore, because CIS is silently blocking them. Because this happened when I installed CIS to my mother's computer. Never again.
I can't speak for the world of apps because I don't use them but when it comes to the desktop applications that I use CIS is very quiet. When I see apps logged its coz I am using Win 10 Insider build and some Microsoft apps don't get recognised.

I am sorry to see you didnā€™t do a functionality check with your mother to make sure the apps and programs she normally uses are working as expected.

Hi Zee64,
May you please share exact setup link and SHA-1 of setup you tried?

Want to see digital signer and itā€™s status with us.


72d797697207d63a71b89087bf354e7c56465042 mkvtoolnix-32-bit-20.0.0-setup.exe
c69bd0d15d7aabca1f52decc18c1cba6d6f9f0d3 mkvtoolnix-64-bit-20.0.0-setup.exe

vendor is not in trusted vendors list.

Thank you, team will analyze and make a decision.

So why not put it in Trusted Vendorā€™s List, Zee64? It is easy to do and would resolve your issues immediately. And you should know how to do that. You donā€™t need to wait for Comodo to do it for you!

Since two days with no Comodo EventLog error, it come back again,

Fail download telemetry config (hr=0x80070002)

It seems to occur randomly.
Diagnostics does not find any error.
Is there any problem?
Default Proactive Security config CIS10 6476 on W10 Pro 1709 64 bits

Vendor ā€œLINET Services GmbHā€ has been added in trusted vendor list. At this moment it is in cloud and CIS and CCAV should be finding files signed by it Safe.

In next releases of CCAV/CIS, vendor will be in local TVL as well.


Because Iā€™d have to do it every time after clean installation of either CIS or system itself. So no point in bothering to do it.

Thank you.

UWP apps are running in their own sandbox, so putting them into another sandbox is not only redundant, but also ridiculous.

Hi Zee64,
Let me understand a bit more.
In default CIS configuration, we have ā€œIgnoreā€ rule in Sandbox Settings for Metro Apps, which are present under ā€œC:\Program Files\WindowsApps*ā€.

Please see enclosed snaps.

Do you find any app from MS store in Sandbox with default configuration?


Iā€™m using Proactive Security configuration, which does not have it, so I have it create it manually.

Another thing CIS is horrible for are games. Years ago I requested a feature that would automatically enable game made when game starts, or at least an option for us to do it manually. Hell, since most games are running from within Steam, you can automatically consider them safe (same as with UWP apps). Did you ever try to start Layers of Fear or Observer for the first time? You should - itā€™s like a ā€œbreaking into fort Knoxā€ simulator.