Comodo Internet Security v10.0.1.6254 Released

Hi All,
We are pleased to announce release of Comodo Internet Security v10.0.1.6254.

Thank you to all, who participated in testing RC version.

Following are changes:

− Incompatibility with Microsoft Update KB4022716(OS Build 15063.447)
− Multiple entries related to cmdagent in error section of Windows Events as posted here
− Invalid entry in “Blocked by” column in Unblock application window as posted here.

− Additional http fallback entry in update URL for Windows 7. In addition to https, you will see 2nd http entry for

  • We have also released recognizer v1.6.2.27 as tested here in production in alert mode.

Setup Details:

Comodo Internet Security Premium
Size: 5.2M ( 5365800 )
MD5: ebadc89e27136c901beb0ae3e5e3847a
SHA1: 4e6ac0d2deb0c217fb9a0073ec088081e4900b9c

Comodo Antivirus
Size: 5.2M ( 5365800 )
MD5: 0ac378f553b0b910396f0dff40fe24ed
SHA1: 2866b72f93b2c4ab7df6002c5b8dd488269223d5

Comodo Firewall
Size: 5.2M ( 5365800 )
MD5: 370bc5458aed3570afcf9d7661391898
SHA1: 0121458d36ae56e5993c176578fa84d7bfd329a4

CIS Premium Offline Installer (Antivirus + Firewall):
Size: 70.8 MB (74,280,256 bytes)
MD5: 7f3c2ef8974a43d322a2cf24c186e82b
SHA1: bbee927704a33db1f784c9390dd5ebce4416ff1a

Few additional points:

  • Updates have been released to all users with older version of CIS. Please use “Update” button present on CIS interface to check for updates although within next 24 hrs, CIS should alert for program updates.

  • All flavors include fixed Secure Shopping module as well. In case you have uninstalled Comodo Internet Security and have just Secure Shopping, it will update itself else will be updated via CIS update.

  • As we had incompatibility with Internet Security Essentials also, CIS will try to update Internet Security Essentials(ISE) in case it is installed in system. So, please don’t get surprised if you see update available even if you have latest CIS v6254 installed. This is to ensure in case user doesn’t update ISE, we have a fall back to update it via CIS as it’s critical to update ISE as well to fix incompatibiliy.

Thank you for all the patience and feedback.

<<<umesh: Edited hashes and size for offline installer>>>

Thank you so much! And fantastic work to the Comodo team for this release! :slight_smile: 8)

:slight_smile: :-TU

Here are the size and hash codes for the offline installer:

70.8 MB (74,280,256 bytes)
CRC32: 0215859A
MD5: 7F3C2EF8974A43D322A2CF24C186E82B
SHA-1: BBEE927704A33DB1F784C9390DD5EBCE4416FF1A
SHA-256: AAE8636A9BBEA607DAC0CB8409A0E1E3CCEAB109306680B124E713DBB9D2912D
SHA-512: 419259C86F454AF1D75AD5DD21C914BD0B1DF55C6C01DD50F951D658A98E8A11BB57A3EEF4EACDA673CC2F700F959D44DC3932D6EECFD0FCD76D4979F97106A1

Which are correct? Thanks and enjoy, John.

I updated it and my CF still load CPU about 28-30%. There is any solution?

:-TU :-TU :-TU

Did a clean uninstall and reinstall. For some reason Comodo says there is a program update even though I am running

Note: I reset the hosts file and removed the entries for the pre-release prior to installing the new version, and ISE was not present on the system.

Awesome, update resets CIS theme to ugly Lucia and force-installs ISE again, despite choosing ‘Skip’. :-TD

Ok, after applying the update it seems that the update was for ISE, even though I uninstalled it before installing the new version of Comodo. So if ISE was not present on the system not sure why Comodo downloads an update for it.

From OP, it appears the skip button fails you still have the update.

so it installed ISE when u checked for updates, even though ISE was not installed? the same happened for me.

You couldn’t post this update couple hrs earlier? I got previous restart computer msg then due CIS update (still no clue what got updated and why since no1 has bothered to reply to my thread).

plusside is that both computers which use CIS got update at the same time not with 24 hrs difference except reboot couldn’t install newer CIS version so install 1 update (no clue what) and reboot and install 2nd update and reboot to get latest version. you guys and maybe girls know that constant reboots aren’t good for hdd’s healthness?

Well done on the release, all running fine at this end, no issues so far apart from there was a small update available for same version of CIS and this is after direct download and fresh install. At any rate, once that little update installed, update check shows all up to date and same program version.

Thanks again!


This seems a bug, being looked into.

I was the unlucky one, again. Bug report in the next few hours. :-\

Installed recognizer v1.6.2.27

After this update PC failed to update after reboot and stil trying to rallback :cry:

Me too. If you can tell me how…

My computer starts, but it gets black screen and nothing works.

My computer starts, but, after login, it gets black screen and nothing works.

In my case its not black screen, but default wallpaper with “rolling back do not turn off” and some disk activity. (Win 7)