In previous release of v88. There was a bug, where upon fresh installation of ISE, unless you re-start system, some of https sites could not be browsed. This version fixes that problem.
When you see Update alert, you will also have a link of release notes taking you to ISE release notes page.
Updating Firewall installed this instead. It was using vast amounts of memory. Total bloatware. Uninstalled. Returned to install FIREWALL. FIREWALL! THE FIREWALL I KNEW AND LIKED.
Downloaded ‘Comodo Firewall’ and somehow ended up with Security Essentials again. Firewall was configured to autostart. Now, nothing. Silent. Great for a firewall!
Your correct, the one shipped with CIS is the latest version but website distributes 2017 version and states there are no updates. I grabbed the latest from the C:/Program Data/Comodo/Installer folder. It would be good to see some changelog.
If Sumo hadn’t kept prodding I wouldn’t have kept looking, until I noticed the first change. The release notes are woefully out of date and have been for quite some time. Year and a half at last date!
I don’t mean it installs it necessarily - but the Installer’s included in the Directory he stated if you’ve ever tried the versions I mentioned, unless you’ve uninstalled CIS AND wiped those folders also
Ah ok then check. :-TU
I had version 6914 installed, but I removed it with the unistaller, so I don’t know if it also removed that directory.
As soon as I can, I check the directory if it exists.
Thank you!
I have the same problem. cise installer.exe not in programdata/comodo/installer
I found an older link in the forum but this link installs version 1.3.453.193.152
When you click on “check for updates” it says : “…updates available…”
Where can in download the newest version ? (1.6.472587.185 ?)
Can someone please gif us a link to the newest version . Thanks .