Comodo Internet Security Essentials v1.3.59977.152 Released

See reply #9 for version 1.6…

From this link you can download but it is paid, even if the site is mentioned among the free tools:

So at this date, it turns out there is a version 1.6.472587.185. There is also some confusion as to version numbering conventions. Today I have installed ISE FILE version 1.6.13835.185. AKA PRODUCT version 1.6.472587.185. What is the meaning of the two different numbers? When I checked the latest CIS installer properties, both the file and product numbers matched.

For those looking for a download link, I have none to offer, but I will tell you how I got the latest version of ISE. First look in the ProgramData folder for the installer as EricJH suggested. If not there proceed as follows. (Re)Install the latest ONLINE CIS. Make sure ISE is checked under options section. Follow through with install and reboot. If ISE is now installed, great! If like me the ISE install appears to have failed, go to: C:\ProgramData\Comodo\installer\ise_installer.exe. The installer should be there after the install and reboot. Just run it directly.

File Version and Product Version are not always the same with software installers I have come to notice over the years. There is no meaning attached to those differences.

in windows 10 insider release preview, possible incompatibility :-\

Is the one installed with the new CIS version working?
Does it intervene when it should?