COMODO Internet Security is released!

About the missing “Purge” funtion, BuketB, Comodo staff mentioned on malwaretips forum
“File list is not just a file list anymore. It is a DB contains a lot information for a file including activities. So that it should be kept even file does not exists anymore”.

I do not agree with that, I don’t want info about nonexistent files on my system, I’ve disabled ADS tracking as well so what information is this that is oh so important? Currently provided information does not persuade me to believe that the supposed gain in function was worth the loss of an arguably more important function.

Edit: Activities? Why would I need that information about nonexistent files?

Here the instalation is failed.

I use Windows 7 Ultimate SP1 32 bits

Buket, could you please explain why information about files that are no longer on the system would be needed? It doesn’t make sense.

Comodo please consider making it easier for users to disable the Website Filtering since it’s too deeply hidden in settings…

They always listen to the users so if we speak loud enough they will bring “Purge” button back.
Right, Melih?


I’m also interested in this problem. The way CIS 7 adds files to Unrecognized Files is very convenient for a system admin when Block all Unrecognized files is set. I instantly can see what files users tried to open/downloaded and are not on the trusted list, or when a trusted program tries to update itself for the very first time, sometimes it downloads and exe that has the task to overwrite/update the main exe, in this case Cis 8 just blocks the new downloaded exe and doesn’t say anything when Don’t show alerts is activated, i have to go into reports to see what files have been blocked and after that I manually add the downloaded exe to the trusted list.
In cis 7 once an unknown file poped on the system and got executed, first cis blocks it than it adds an entry of that file to the unrecognized list so i can make it trusted if i deem fit.

Can I install this version on top off the older one without any issues or without loss my settings?

Thank you in advance guys :slight_smile:

I did test on a VM after updating from CIS 7 series to CIS 8.1 with no problems, it does require reboot between uninstall and install all done by the CIS 8.2 installer.

Quote from second page where I posted first time.

Hi Eric, I will get detailed information from devs, please kindly wait for my answer.

Kind Regards

I have tried to install CIS on my PC (win 7 Pro SP1 64bit) without success. I get an alert (See attached Screen print) saying a source file could not be read. Is this a problem at my end or on Comodo server?


[attachment deleted by admin]

These are serious issues.

Also is ADS issue sorted? i.e if user enables file source tracking does it modify the date, timestamps of user files?


The database updates are faster. Thanks Comodo


If file source tracking is enabled then the modified date of certain files will be changed, yes, you can always turn off file source tracking though.

Is this not an error?


cmdagent.exe a virus? can “comodo staff” pls check?

Attached are screenshots from virustotal too.


[attachment deleted by admin]

It’s a false positive.


can any one from “comodo staff” confirm?


Are you serious? :o

CMC is famous for False Positives. and not a reputable antvirus.
This is not a virus, clearly a FP.

Just to be sure then why is it on virus total? if CMC is famous for False Positives?
