COMODO Internet Security 5.8.213334.2131 Released!

This program is huge disappointment for me! Digital files without a signature are transferred between the reliable files! The 4.1 version goes back!!

  1. The full product and its version:COMODO Internet Security 5.8.211697.2124
  2. Your Operating System (32 or 64 bit) and Service Pack revision:windows 7 Professional sp1 32
  3. Other Security and Utility Software Installed:N/A
  4. Step by step description to reproduce the issue:Open the mozilla firefox 7.0.1 and navigate
  5. How you tried to resolve the problem:N/A
  6. Upload Memory Dumps on crash if you encounter any:N/A
  7. Attach screenshots to your posts to clarify the issue further:Attachment.
  8. Any other information you think that might be useful:N/A
  9. The CIS Security profile your using, and if you imported a previous version of the config:default

Ok not really understand the problem with Windows when trying to install a new hardware driver has not been solved, cmdagent.exe cpu is at 40% wear, from version 5.5 to 5.8 same problem was not solved, we must give disable the antivirus to go completely normal. And the same problem is and if ETDctr.exe, only here the process itself constantly stays at 50% ETDctr.exe approximate 5-10 minutes, and everything is alternative when and when it happens again that ETDctr.exe to climb to 50 %. I tried running version 5.5, and 5.8 beta - 5.8 Final, but nothing, I hoped that it will solve the problem, I hope someone to look over my bug report. Please help me. Thanks

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This looks like cmdagent.exe is getting “attacked” since the file is trying to access memory. show your d+ events as a verification before I tell you how to go on.



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Any ideas for my problem? Thanks for your response [Valentin N] ???

Please to explain deferences beetwen products, why so many Internet Security, even 4. Which I must to pick? :-\ :-[

Running smooth as silk here, as expected.

Big thanks to Comodo! :slight_smile:

This D+ scrshot looks like a long standing (and inevitable?) problem with a touchpad’s (Synaptic, Elan etc.) drivers – most of them runs a kind of “helpers” to allow something like two-finger scroll, scroll pointed objects etc. etc. and of course requires a more direct (and “dangerous” form an average pov) access to other apps.

Ok any suggestion to solve the problem once and for all? Thanks

excellent GUI,
Very nice ;D

Download and testing now.

Hi AviraBetter, btw - nice nick :slight_smile:
Most probably you need cispremium_installer.exe which is only free version among another Internet Security family installers. All the rest cis* installers were posted for our paid users, to give them a chance to be upgraded before autoupdate is released.


Which Downloads ob the First page is the free one

Hi Mops21,
Please see updated installers list.

Okay. Thank you very much

no one noticed a typo on this sentence?
race conditions?

Race condition on Wikipedia.

Can anybody related explain the benefits of “Enhanced protection mode” for x32 and/or x64 for not W7?

Why to enable/disable “Enhanced protection mode” and how it relates to protection and speed ratio?

It’s for x64 platforms (Vista and Higher) and improves HIPS strength equal to x32 versions of CIS.
As it’s the first release it’s hard to say how much ‘speed’ is involved in this.

Would it be a detriment having it enabled on a WinXP 32 bit system? I have it enabled, should I disable it? I wish this feature was better explained.