COMODO Internet Security 3.5 BETA Released [CLOSED]

Does this beta of Cavs scan email when it is being downloaded? Just curious.

From what I understand, it doesn’t. At least there is no longer a scanning icon when getting mail. There are no options in the settings either.

Thanks and I was just wondering about that.

thanks comodo team for the beta release, downloading it right now. :■■■■

i was wondering, if i can still migrate my firewall & d+ rules in this beta?

anyways, time to inform my buds to sign-up now for the download… god bless.


thanks comofo! and Melih! Downloading now!


And Comodo Firewall component is CFP 3 (D+ and all). You can disable D+ if you want anyway…


Hey Guys.

Please post Bug Reports, Feedback, etc here. There are alot of boards and child boards here as you can see. It’s made for the final. :slight_smile: It will make it easier for developers.

Wishlist boards of course post your wishes!

Pls keep them in the Beta Corner here.


Thank you 3xist. Regarding Defense+ tab, it’s fine by me. Just wanted to be sure.

To me one of the problems was/is the GUI organization. I sincerely hope it will be improved, i tried to help with ideas. The other is the little attention the firewall seems to be given. I say seems, since i can only speculate.

There are features to be explored as well, as i mentioned before. The policies feature is the main Defense+ strengh, under-utilized.

Oh well, c’est la vie.

It would be nice to have a changelog, with changes compared to the last release.

Malware needs to hit 2 things:
Hard Drive

And that’s all CAV 3 needs. No Email Scanner, P2P Guard - (More Memory too!). Everything on the HD is watched, Also I believe the in-memory scanner is in this version for Memory Scanning.


Could you please attach the screenshot and mark out the flashing icon?

 Wow!  I haven't been checking the forums for about 4 days and when I come back they release the beta!  Congratulations to Melih and the COMODO team!!  Will be downloading the installer shortly!


This is part question part wish.

This is how i would like to see the default cleaning behaviour:

1.Malware detected
2.Cleaning started
2.1. Try to clean the file
2.2 If cleaning fails Quarantine the file
2.3 After Quarantine delete the file
3. Start cleanup scrip (malware that was able to install before detection usually has a lot of files/folders/reg keys)
4. Display summary pop-up to user.

And then the Quarantine

The user decides the quarantined file is a false positive.

Default behaviour:

  1. Upload the sample to Comodo for further analasis
  2. Add the sample to the safe/ignore list
  3. Copy the file from the Quarantine to the place where it originally was.

After each update the quarantine should be scanned for false positives.

  1. Comodo gets a definition update
  2. Scan the quarantine for false-positives
  3. Ask the user what he wants to do with the file that is now deemed safe.

Attached is a screenshot.
the bug flashes always.
As soon as a move another window over the bug the last updated text starts flashing

[attachment deleted by admin]


Going by your screenshot called “flashingbugcovered.jpg” - it shows the main CIS GUI window overlaid with another copy of the main CIS GUI.

How were you able to achieve this?

Possible that the blinking is caused by two instances?

Ewen :slight_smile:

I just tried this:

Open Comodo, open Notepad, change Notepad window size to be smaller so it can be seen Comodo window better, drag Notepad over Comodo → Comodo refreshes it’s window while moving Notepad.

I think that was the issue stated in tetsuo55’s post.

[attachment deleted by admin]

This may come down to thngs like video drivers, CPU speed and available GDI resources. I just tried on my test box (P4 3.2 ghz, 2GB RAM, 128MB Nvidia 9 series) and observed minor redraws around the perimeter of the notepad window, but no more than I would have expected or could get with other apps.

My query was that tetsuo’s screenshot clearly shows one CIS GUI being moved over another CIS GUI window.

A) How did he do this and B) could this have contributed to the redraw if the app was trying to draw into two windows simultaneously?

Ewen :slight_smile:

Well, the same is here, not whole Comodo window refreshes, it’s more like leaving a “snail trail” for a small amount of time :slight_smile: I think this is not the problem with video drivers at all - it seems that Comodo always refreshes it’s window to provide the latest information, which is actually very good.

So this is not problem to me at all.

I thought BoClean was supopose to be integrated in CIS. There were also some early screenshots with it.
Will it come later for CIS or was the decision to merge it’s engine with CAVS part of the CIS?