Comodo Internet Security 2020 v12.2.2.7062 Released

I just got the update, installed it through the program itself, that part went quick and after the restart everything is blocked, no popups and the only way to restore function is to disable the firewall.

I have cleared and reset the application rules and restarted several times and just will not work. No popups, blocks everything and as I said the only way to fix things is to disable it which is quite disappointing.

Anyone have an idea what is going on? I mean this has happened in the past but there has never been a solution offered for it, changing modes doesn’t help, I run in custom rules but switching to anything else doesn’t change the behavior either. Suggestions?

Decided to install CIS again with the latest version. Melih’s word gives me some hope in continuous development of Comodo.
So far so good, light & fast, typical CIS.
I really hope CIS will offer the ability to remove the components that I don’t what, like what Avast does. I only run CIS with AV, FW, and Sandbox, and disable HIPS, VirusScope, Web filtering.

How is the status regarding this issue in the link below with version 7062?


The installer may have activated a clean profile. It should have saved your active configuration. Your active configuration should show up in Configurations. If it is there does activating it make it work?

Still no update offer for me (neither after I manually tried to run update) , version 6882 on Windows 7.

I updated to version and I too have encountered problems with the traybar icon and diagnostic errors …
For the errors I solved by reinstalling CIS, while for the icon I have not solved, in my case it disappears when I restart explorer.exe, and to make it reappear I have sign out and sign in agin to the Windows account.

Hi ice,

Have you modified your host? please check.

Hi Nis,

Actually, this error in diagnostics is not related with CIS version directly. When you run diagnostics, CIS sends requests to our CIS related servers, CIS gives error when it doesn’t respond. We will solve this.

And the invisible try icon issue - Yes, most you are expecting to solve this. We will fix it soon.

I tried to modify “Proxy and host settings” in update settings, it didn’t help, but I didn’t try to modify windows host file, I don’t know what exactly need to do there.

when .6818 users get autoupdate to .7062?

Hi ice,

No. I mean to say, there should be no modification on the host or on the CIS settings. If the host was modified binary updates may not work. CIS should be able to update from 6882 version to the latest without any changes on host. Let me check your case with the developers.

Good.I didn’t modify anything, I annulled changes in update settings.The update is working fine, just doesn’t offer new program version.But I got new recognizer, which is a bit strange.

Hi cuser,

We will activate binary update for 6818 today! 6914 will be also activated on Monday. I will write here and inform you all when activated.

Kind regards,

Hi ice,

Could you please provide remote session? You can directly send me msg with the credentials.

Kind regards,

Thank you for your effort mertavunduk, but that’s a little bit complicated for me. :slight_smile:
I will just install .7062 on top of 6882.


I confirm it is a network problem
For me it’s OK

Linked to location IPs ?

Could you please check the firelogs to see what has been blocked. Does it blocks the one for which you have modified rules in the past. Kindly send us the Firewall logs and configuration files to understand the root cause. If possible try clean install as a workaround.

The binary updates for cis 6818 has been activated. It has two updates : middle version 7037 and 2nd update 7062. We have tested it, it works without any problem.

6818 customers - please confirm.

Thank you for the confirmation ZorKas. Might be the problem is related with location, we will rectify it.

Hi !Wolverine!,

Let me check this with related team. We will update you the status.