Comodo Internet Security 2019 v12.2.1.6950 Beta 2 is now available for download

Hello, Dharshu

Hello prodex,

Could you please tell us what you did ? what causes for the BSOD ?
Your responses are more helpful to overcome this kind of issues in future.

Kind Regards,

Hello EricJH,

I got your dumps and I have forwarded those to our developers for further investigations.

Kind Regards,

Hello ReeceN,

Could you please once again check your PM.

Kind Regards,

Comodo seems to have isolated one of it’s own files in containment. Seems to be a script of some sort.

Seems weird, since it’s one of comodo’s files. maybe a bug?

Just part of Script Analysis - CIS working as intended

When I booted and was at the desktop I could not start programs or reboot the computer. I could move the mouse and the caps lock and num lock responded. I waited for 5 minutes hoping the situation would change but it didn’t. I pushed the reset button and rebooted the pc.

In the CisDumps folders there are two new crash logs of cavwp.exe with almost identical names that were made during the freeze: cavwp.exe.3948.dmp and cavwp.exe(1).3948.dmp.

@Dharshu. Let me know if you want to receive those crash logs.

The beta works fine, if they need to delay comodo 2020, then delay it. Get it right the first time.

It was the same procedure again. Either freeze the desktop/PC in the virtual desktop or in css. . So I switched off the PC manually, killed the error collection.

I had a variation of freeze happening immediately after boot. Browsers and Speccy would not start while this time Task Manager, Explorer and Notepad could be started. I could access the CisDumps folder and see one dump file was created for a crash of cavwp.exe. After approx 5 minutes I tried to restart from the start menu but that didn’t work. I pushed the reset button and forced the pc to boot.

The only real difference is that I had Comodo Internet Security Essentials installed. This is on Windows 10 1809 (17763.973) Pro x64. Let me know if you would like to receive the crash dump.

Hello EricJH,

Thank you for reporting.We will check this issue.
You can send me the crash dump.

Note : Please don’t wait for us you are always welcome to send the Dump, logs etc.

Kind Regards,

Hello prodex,

Thank you.I have forwarded your response to the corresponding team.

Kind Regards,

I have sent download links to the crash logs to you by pm.

I can’t help but wonder why these crashes are starting to happen after this build has been running stable for more than a month. The first thing that comes to mind is changes in Windows after Windows updates but the timeline doesn’t quite fit. I hope the logs help to narrow down the problem. It’s been a very stable build until thus far.

Hello EricJH,

Thank you for providing the logs.I have forwarded your logs to our developing team members.Once resolved I will notify you.

Kind Regards,

I am taking the liberty to quote from a pm Dharshu sent (this is not allowed because posting content of a members pm has been abused in the past) in which he responds the above observation:

Hello ReeceN,

On the complete analysis of your log,Our developers said that Crash dump file is not related to comodo. However,he looked into the cmdinstall logs and he says that you have first installed and then uninstalled it and switched with no problem. Also,successfully installed cks too. After about ~45min,you got a BSOD. Further if you have any query Please, let me know.

Kind Regards,

Hello EricJH,

Thank you for your great effort :-TU.
As per our request you had send the complete memory dumps and I have forwarded your logs to our developing team members.After the analysis of your logs I will notify you.

Kind Regards,

Dharshu, thank you for reporting back and the hard work you do for Comodo at the forums. :■■■■

To comment that except for some trivialities, with version 6950 and Windows updated, everything works correctly. Thank you.

Waiting for the stable version with illusion

Any news/dates/estimates for beta 3/RC/RTM of next update to CIS? (Beta 2 is a little old now)?