Comodo Internet Security 2019 (v12.0.0.6810) – Released

Just to report it here, if not seen in the PM:

The issue persists even with HIPS and anti-ARP spoofing both disabled. Problem is gone for a while after restart. I had to restart twice.

I confirm. The system freezes regularly and only the power button can be restarted. Disabling HIPS or other modules does not change the picture, it is impossible to use. I rolled back to version 11, everything is fine there. Dumpy already sent, the cause of the problem is not seen.

I don’t mind at all. I would love to find out what causes the OCSP requests to fail.

No issues whatsoever in the last couple of hours. Pretty weird.

Why there is still no update for the beta version from internal updater??

Yep I have noticed this same behavior with submitting files greater than 2 MB.
Edit: I tried again and it worked, maybe because it was the only file that was being submitted. When I first noticed the issue, I was submitting more than 1 file at a time and it got stuck on the large file.

You need to use the normal update server to update from last beta to this version.

Thanks COMODO Team !
No problem here in Win 10 Lite (1809 LTSC EN-US x64 17763.316).
Currently live in UK.
Smooth and fast, wonderful.

Just received a request from Windows firewall to allow Tixati torrent client. Then CIS firewall asked me the same. I don’t get it. Never had such issues with version 11. I think CIS should disable or at least put in manual mode windows firewall. What’s the point of 2 firewalls asking same questions simultaneously?

And less than a minute later my PC froze again. Could it be connected?

There is only one way to find out and that is to disable the Windows Firewall.

The installers and uninstallers of CIS are notorious for not enabling or disabling Windows Firewall. I always check when I do an uninstall or install of CIS to enable or disable Windows Firewall.

Since Windows 10 Comodo was told by MS that 3rd party firewalls should not turn off the Windows firewall, so you need to do so manually. As for freezing issues I would like you to try adding the all applications file group to don’t detect shellcode injections in these applications and reboot, check to see if you still face system freezing.


My system also froze recently and I was able to create a memory dump as requested earlier.
I will try to upload it somewhere, please feel free to reach out to me for the link.

One small request with regards to the version numbering: please consider increasing the build number for all future releases irrespective of how small changes you have applied, because this version is not the same as the last beta version, and it should always give a clear indication that something was changed.

Well, cutting pieces of security one by one is not what we are after, right? I already stopped HIPS and anti-ARP spoofing. Now detection of shellcode injections. What’s next? ;D

Also, security center says WFW is not active…

But it definitely was just minutes ago ;D

Hi all!

My problem blue screen errors and application (although which one) crashing.
Blue screen for example…
-Buffer Overflow → cmdagent.exe

Browser Firefox crash and too slow load sites
slow start PC (explorer.exe/desktop not load,cistray slow load), slow start or no start!

note .:
Clean install last version (offline)!
default settings
Good for a short time, then blue screen error again!
reset to default (I saved), again good ->registry: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\CmdAgent
Good for a short time, then blue screen error,slow start… again!

I reinstalled the network card! good since then!
I test more …

sorry bad english!

2GB RAM (single chanel memory mod)
1.8GHz proc

It’s the normal update server.

Re ver12, I have noticed that I cant delete the Trusted Vendors List in settings/File Rating/Trusted Vendors, comodo will not let me.
I use a small list and the vendors I trust. can any one tell me how I can get rid of them.
So I have reverted back to Ver11

After long time, I decided to give CIS another try.
Last Sunday I installed CAV v11.0.0.6802 and I was pleasantly surprised about its lightness: boot time and shut down weren’t noticeably affected, CPU and disk usage were nearly zero :-TU
The only “issues” I had were the following errors in Windows Event Viewer:
Error HTTP read from, httpCode: 404 Error Code: 0x80070002
Error HTTP read from, httpCode: 404 Error Code: 0x80070002

and a poor integration with Windows Defender Security Center (after every boot I got a notification about outdated signatures).

On Tuesday I updated CAV from v11.0.0.6802 to v12.0.0.6810.
The update went smoothly (and this is not very common for Comodo, please don’t take it as an offense) and the AV has been working fine since then.
The errors mentioned above are no longer there and the integration with Windows Security Center has greately improved.
Good job Comodo :-TU

These are my tweaks:

  • General settings → Configuration → Enable Proactive Security (to increase security)
  • HIPS → Disabled (to reduce alerts)
  • Containment → Auto-containment → Block unknown (the malware will be blocked and won’t be able to connect out, so the FW is not needed, thus reducing the risk of stability problems on Windows 10)
  • Containment → Auto-containment → Add exclusion for “Portable SW” folders (to reduce false positives, because I have several uncommon portable softwares that might be not whitelisted yet)

Today, after starting up the PC, disk usage jumped and won’t go down.

Edit: Shortly after I wrote this post, I lost internet connection again. Restarted and now disk usage is fine. CIS moves in mysterious ways. ;D

Sorry you cannot reasons below.

Edit: I added the johnboy’s quote for clarity after having merged his topic with this topic