The download link is 6802,not 12.
I reinstalled and still 5 processes.
Can anyone confirm, this version has 4 or 5 processes?
You need to check the Details tab. There are four different processes. The process cmdagent.exe is running twice. The total is five. I had overlooked cmdagen.exe runs twice.
Thank you for testing.
But cut back on the moody and attitude. You apparently did not read the topic and missed that the problem is being worked on. Next time simply report it is not fixed yet. That’s enough information for Comodo and maintains a good spirit at the forums.
Thank you for reporting from China.
oh!!! sorry ericjh. not my intenttion… anyway… can you upload it on some filesharing service? i would like to try it before dinner…
Under Details tab, there are 2 cis.exe, 2 cmdagent.exe and 1 cavwp.exe
Under Processes tab, there are total 5 processes
CIS 2019 is running smoothly on Win 10x64 1809 Pro. Clean install. Good job! :-TU
And yes, there are 5 processes running, but the PID is different for every one of them:
One issue here. A program unblocked from the “blocked applications” list does NOT appear in firewall settings. I want to change its permissions, but I can’t since it’s not there. Weird. The only way to do this is by adding it manually and THEN changing its permissions.
But imagine if it’s a malicious program that’s hidden. There should be an easy way to change permissions if you change your mind.
Just happened. ;D
We we are working on installer availability, if you are still facing the issue, please send me PM with your IP location and which installer is still old (offline, AV, premium etc.).
Please check PM
We have no such plans for now.
It’s different animals - NoScript is extension for browsers, and our script analytics is for command line scripts.
Thanks for reporting.
Please note, that some AV’s (incl comodo ) reports that it is malware:
It works fine after we’ve added it in exception.
Could you please check on your side?
I have intslled CIS version 12 and by enabling the firewall also in this version the connection is blocked. However, I understood what the connection is blocking in the firewall, if in the advanced settings of the firewall I select “Enable anti ARP spoofing” after enabling it after a few seconds the download speed is almost reset and you can no longer navigate.
I state that I do not have a PC connected to the network, but my PC is simply connected to a fiber optic modem via WiFi.
I did the tests to remove the check from that setting and despite having the firewall active the speed returns to being normal. So that setting must be reviewed.
Do you give me the details?
vladimir.semenov should I write to you in private?
Thank you.
Hi, the fact that every release after version 10 of CIS slows down apps has nothing to do with what Vladimir suggested. I reported the same issue here
I checked it with version 12 on 3 different computers with a fresh installed Win 10 x64 1809. After the computer is started some apps take up to 10 seconds until they start. For example IrfanView, TVBrowser, CDBurnerXP, Firefox, Chrome, TheBat, XmediaRecode, CrystalDiskInfo and so on. But, this behaviour happens only after the computer is started and the here mentioned apps are started for the first time.
After closing those apps and opening them again they start immediately. When you make a restart of the computer it all starts again from the beginning with the “Slow down” behaviour.
I went back on all 3 computers to CIS 10 and all was perfect. No slow down.
Comodo must have changed something starting with CIS 11. I do not know what. Comodo is blocked on my site from accessing internet because i use firewall only.
I inserted the quote instead of the url. It provides an easier read. Eric
Thanks, received and responded.
Actually I spoke too soon about CIS running smoothly. It blocked my internet connection and hanged with the familiar circle rotating, preventing me from clicking anywhere on its GUI. So I went into situation where I couldn’t do anything. I had to uninstall it. I can’t tolerate such behavior. I want to use my computer, not dealing with CIS all day long.
Going back to version 11.
Hi everyone, on w10 build 10.586 it works fine except that the slow boot problem remains, the disk loads for about 3 minutes or more before the widget appears, which is not the case with CIS 10. Thank You very much.
After testing the performance and various features of this version 12, here is my opinion:
- Installation called “clean” (offline)
- Surf the web very fast
- Opening work fast applications
- No particular worries since the new installation by having cleanly uninstall the old v.11 with export of the setting previously
- To have the Widget you must now go to the settings and check the appropriate box
- Regarding the CPU value it is very low at rest and average for a much higher fast scan for a full scan, normal for the latter because all the cores and used
In short a very good vintage for my taste
Thank !
Windows 10 Pro (x64) 1809 Build 17763.379
Comodo CIS .
Got 6744 version updated after a long wait, than came 6802, that never did update, now there’s 12, So will 12 be updating my 6744 “via auto update”.
Read a reply to a poster that asked if he had “beta” downloads checked??? , are these betas released?, checked in settings/downloads, don’t have a beta box.
Looks like another instance of [url=Comodo Forum]hybrid graphics.
your network is probably using VRRP
Do you have enable anti-arp spoofing in firewall settings?