Comodo Ice Dragon Ver_38 is now available for download.

Hi All,

Comodo Ice Dragon Ver_38 is now available.

This release will also update existing Ice Dragon users.

What is new?
-Firefox code base 38 has been added.
-Icon has changed with a more appealing style.
-Several bug fixes has been added.

Thank you for your all feedback for COMODO Browsers. We really appreciate all of your contributions to provide you a great browser.

I would like to also inform you that we have a product line for Ice Dragon as well just like Chromodo and Dragon. We will be releasing updated versions much faster for Ice Dragon.

Please keep the feedback coming, positive and negative.


The Comodo Browser Team.

Thank you :-TU After more than 1 year we got the update
Thank you Alp Eren :slight_smile:

Thanks for the update. :-TU

Why is the option for tabs on the bottom gone? This is the primary reason I use CID.

Hi and welcome RainbowMagicMarker,
This can be achieved with one of the following extensions.

Kind regards.

Congratulations for the update!

I installed here normally, but at the time of import Firefox settings the process stopped and did not finish, I waited 10 minutes and nothing. I closed the installation, everything had installed normally, but without Firefox settings, had to import then through “History”.

The browser installed here in English, modified browser settings to Portuguese-BR, but is still in English.


While the links are appreciated it does not answer the question as to why the option was removed.

It’s only a Firefox clone, useful if you need two browser.
No feature added, no personal skin …
None of CID26’s characteristics and utility :cry:

Thanks for the update. A tad disappointed to see no Comodo DNS option or anything unique to Ice Dragon 26. I would like to know what benefits do I have in keeping this installed over Firefox? Surely it isn’t just a clone?

The download from is the 26 version (and you say it’s the 38) and then you can install that as a portable version. Then it asks you to upgrade. It fails to upgrade and deletes half the installed files now when I try it. But it did work at some point yesterday. So I got 38 working, but I thought it was portable as the user profile folder was in the installed location, but then when you move it onto a USB and try it on another machine, the profile is gone and a temp one is created.

Please answer this… is there a working CID 38 Portable version? The whole reason I used CID is for portability. I don’t want anything stored in local appdata. It needs to run from a cloud server or usb. Can this be done with 38 like it was 26? If not, CID is useless to me.

Please answer this as your users of CID would really like to know. I have used CID 26 for about 2 years and for two main reasons. 1. The DNS service. 2. The portable install option (as I need to use it on a cloud service or USB). Without either of these 2 things, WHAT IS THE POINT?

I might as well install Firefox portable (but that then conflicts with me using a local copy of firefox at the same time) as I cannot see any benefit CID 38 has.

So please ENLIGHTEN US… what is the point of CID 38 if we cannot use your DNS or have it portable? Why would we want to use this? Is there any benefit at all over just having another locally installed copy of firefox (CID 38) running when you are running firefox (the real one)?

thank you so much for this updated! its an small step forward, but a really important one! :slight_smile:

Thanks very much for the update, which is running fine so far.

Alp would you be kind enough to say how the security-related enhancements C give users in Cromodo are to be installed?

Or are they already there (?as hidden add-ons?). Or still to come?

Kind regards


guncelleme icin cok tesekkurler,

sanirim tarayicida yukseltme sonrasi dil sorunu ve yer imleri kaybolmasi var ben ice dragonu turkce kullaniyorum surumu 26dan 38 e guncelleme yaptigimda dil ingilizce oluyor seceneklerden tekrar turkce dilni yukluyorum yukledikten sonra turkce dil secenegini secip tarayiciyi yeniden baslattigimda ise tarayici turkce olmuyor , ama bu sekilde denedigimde about:config general.useragent.locale oradan tr-TR yapip tekrar baslatiyorum turkce oluyor bu seferde butun yer imleri kayboluyor surumu tekrar 38den 26 dusurdugumde ise yer imleri geri geliyor.

android icinde icedrogon tarayicisi gelecekmi acaba? tesekkurler iyi calismalar

english only in this part of the forum.


Same here, cannot update from a portable to latest, autoupdate always fail after a while.

I also downloaded the 38 version file providen here, but there is no option regarding portability during install.

Please fix this, we also want it portable, like it used to be.
In advance, thank you.

It’s sure a nice browser. But:

  1. How can I change the language? On the Firefox way I installed Dutch but it’s still in English.

  2. On the CIS gadget on the desktop it still shows the old icon of Ice Dragon.

Congratulations with the release. It’s good to see Comodo catch up. :slight_smile:

After a while it finally updated from portable version but it deleted everything…and switched without agreement to installed version ! (I always used a portable version)

And for what ? for a pale clone of Firefox ! :-TD

It’s over guys, after almost 2 years of waiting for a quality update, I’ve got enough, Icedragon will go to trash.
Don’t want to bother myself fighting with backup and use a forced install version. Firefox portable will do the job.

Thanks for the update. ;D