Comodo Help


Pour info sur l’écran “Updates” de la page :

la zone “Utiliser la base de signature complète” n’apparait pas.

Est-ce un ancien écran ?

Hi domo78,

Thank you for writting to us. The help documents will be updated to reflect this change.

If you are looking for help regarding “Use the complete signature database” feature. Here I can explain you how it works.

By default CIS uses Light Signature DB, but customers can switch to Complete signature DB at any time. In both cases its better to have cloud scan enabled. However, Complete signature DB uses less FLS requests and is much more preferable for offline scan.

Switching to Complete signature database:

  1. Go to Advanced Settings → Updates → check “Use full signature database”.

  2. Select “Yes” on CIS popup to have administrator rights to switch database.

  3. Advance Settings page will be restarted. Now check “Use full signature database” again.

  4. Select “Yes” on CIS popup to download full database.

The help documents will be updated soon with the detailed explanation of this feature.


Merci beaucoup pour votre retour.