Comodo Dragon ver 33.1 is now available for download

If you download Dragon from the Comodo site and not from the link in this thread, you get v29 from Softonic.


I installed CD 33.1 and downloaded the latest PepperFlash zip file. I extracted the zip and then copied the folder inside of the main extracted folder and pasted that to the Dragon folder and everything seems to work perfectly. All videos and Flash content are working. Chrome is not installed.

Thanks for this information Dch48,
I have previously informed Staff of this issue and also sent a reminder, that is the best I can do.

Hello from Germany,

we use in Family on 4 NB by Windows 7 64bit free Version CIS together with CD.

A: Problem with CD in Version and

when we go to “ARD Mediathek · Videos von Das Erste und den Dritten Programmen | ARD Mediathek” there is Information for Problem with older Version of used Browser.

When we go there by IE or Chrome = no Problem !?

Automatic Updates is activated - we cannot see or read some came or not.

B: Problem we see in Version

in browsing using “google” and results using “maps” (new Version) following results in maps and earth are very slowly / bugy and processor ist running all time full power.

Changing back to CD Version and is running very well !?

C: shopping on “” we cannot put Articles into “wishlist” by CD. Always from system: “network problem”. Use “wishlist” by IE or Chrome = no probblem. Problem is same in Version and

We like CIS since years, but we miss more possibilíties in “automatic” or “standard” - functions in Dragon like in Comodo-Firewall.

We wish good ideas for Comodo-Programmers and problemlos secure time for all Comode-Users!

Best regards from Stuttgart / Germany


Problems A and C look like they may be browser sniffing issues.

Hello from Sweden. :wink:

Dragon’s user-agent says “Dragon/ Chrome/33.0.1750.152” (go to dragon://version/ to check it), so the website believes you are using Chrome 33 (see for example, which is old. The current stable version of Chrome is 35.


thank u 4 answer and information!

Browser Issues: i disactivated 4 test: webinspector, privdog, streamdownloader etc. - no difference.

CD-Browser is Crome Vers. 33.1.xx: We have this newest Version on all 4 NoteBooks (Win7.64bit).

When we download CD from Comode-Home, we get Vers.!?l

I also tried CD in CIS-Game-Modus and also completely without CIS - no difference.

In Moment we use (excluding banking etc.) more and more Crome-Browser (coz all in Combination with Android Mobiles and Books).

We hope, Comodo will update CD - we need using in same way like before.

Friendly regards, Greetings to Sweden

Hardy / Stuttgart / Germany

Hey everyone.I would like to report something that happened to me from day 1 that i installed CD 33.1 and something that started just today:

-First,the Youtube video resolution problem still exists not to EVERY video like with 33.0 but still exists to some videos and sticks to 360p without the option to change(don’t ask me how i know if there’s a higher resolution of the video,one switch to another browser and you find out)

-Second,today i updated my Chrome to the latest version (37.0) and from that moment,CD is popping out the shockwave flash crash message at everything!Notify:i never had that problem before to any version even when in CD 33.0 resolution,that was my problem always.So,is it possible to skip some versions guys (let’s say 33.2 or 34.0 etc etc) and focus on a CD based to 37.0 ongoing of Chrome-based?I mean,there will be always something outdated or outsync if you keep releasing CD based on previous versions of Chrome…Thanks a lot

Hi and welcome. :slight_smile:

That issue has been answered before. The issue is caused by that YouTube sometime last year removed all VP8-encoded videos except 640×360, which are kept as a fallback. Now YouTube is busy encoding all videos in VP9, but that takes time (the encoder is still very slow, and the number of videos is huge), so you will gradually see the issue less often.

Chrome 37 is currently in the Dev-channel, and not suitable for building Dragon upon, since it is not stable enough and also since it is updated weekly. But an increased update pace would of course be welcome.

nice this comodo media grabber, well done team coders :wink:

okay, but what i noticed is that sometimes it works and sometimes not, on the same link.
and it works fine on ice dragon…
Is there any link with the fact that we use or not the HTML5 player ?

Yes, VP8 and VP9 are used in the HTML5-player only. If you use Flash Player, all definitions are available.

HTML5 is now the default player for Chrome, and YouTube believes that Dragon is Chrome (Dragon’s UA says it is Chrome…). (When there is no VP9-video, Chrome will play an AVC-video, but Dragon does not support AVC (a.k.a. H.264) or any other proprietary codecs and can therefore only play the low definition VP8-video.)

Flash Player is still the default player for Firefox/IceDragon and IceDragon currently does not support VP9 (Firefox 28+ does, but does not yet support MSE). If you go to with IceDragon, there is a button to switch between HTML and Flash. If you go to the same page with Dragon, there is no such button.

[i][b]Comodo Dragon ver 31.1 is now available for download from jssrfx at « Reply #43 on: March 08, 2014, 12:22:50 AM »[/b][/i] Even this latest version will not work with the current update for Roboform ( 7.9.3.x works without a problem, even 7.9.4.x I could get to work (reinstalling Comodo Dragon after installing the Roboform update made it work again), but this latest version will not function. It's OK in Google Chrome, and Comodo IceDragon also has no issues, but Dragon won't load it. Only error I'm getting is that it cannot load. Downgrade to 7.9.3 or 7.9.4 would be the only option.
This is not solved in 31.1 - I have same problem, actual Roboform (v7.9.7.5). Hope it will be fixed soon.

Now updated to v33.1, and so far as can be found, YouTube videos are all playing without problems.

Hi JaWa,
OK, Catching up would be great, but does Comodo ever check these suggestions.

Another poster also suggested Comodo skip forward to V37, but since it’s unstable (still?) skipping forward a few rev’s to say 35 or 36 if it was released ?, at least might just get rid of a few of the endless problems ! Yes I know, it might just introduce a heap more, but at least it’s better than falling further & further behind !

Since my Chrome says it running Version 35.0.1916.153 m and uptodate, which is Chromium’s latest stable release for Windows !.. CD is stuck on V33 a long way behind.

As long as CD dev’s continue to debug old version, we’ll never catchup & CD will continue to be plagued by old problems…

Hi huntsman,

There was a time when Dragon was updated just a few days after Chrome. I have no idea what happened that caused (and still causes) these long delays. :frowning:

Yes, Chrome 37 is still in the Dev-channel, but Chromium has now reached M38¹ (M for milestone), and M36 (currently in the beta-channel) will be released to the stable channel next week.

¹ [chrome] Revision 278979

It’s looking more and more like Dragon needs to somehow move away from being based on Chromium. I have no ideas or suggestions on how to do that but it’s beginning to appear to be necessary. Of course it would require a complete rewrite of the browser.

What would Dragon be without Chromium? IMO Chromium is technically the best browser available. But anyone using the code must of course keep up with its release pace.
The latter is true also for browsers based upon Firefox (looking at IceDragon…).

The reasons for the delays are unknown to me, but I have been assured that the development is continuing.
IMO rapid release in some (Not all) circumstances is a marketing ploy.
Seriously I have never seen any hard evidence to show that an out of date browser base is the cause of any infection.
I am not saying it is not possible, but it is unlikely.

I only believe a small percentage of what I read about vulnerabilities, the reason being is I don’t want to die young from paranoia. :wink:
Edit: I am almost to old to die young.
Kind regards.