Comodo Cloud Antivirus v1.21.465847.842 hotfix release.

For sure. After the New Year holidays, unintelligible. I apologize. Delete comment.

Why there is no information about this beta release on “beta corner - CCAV” forum?

I dont know. But I managed to download, I’m testing)

Yes, I’ve also found this link in another forum
But it’s strange that it’s not mentioned here

I have a beta theme, copied the link, replaced the old address with a new one ( and downloaded.

New version forks flawlessly.
I found that beta version to be very nice and stable.

Same here: Noticeably faster and several nice GUI tweaks and functions found already

Here too. Nice!

Does Opera load up sandboxed okay in the beta IIRC it didn’t have any internet connection in the last version.

It sure does . . added to exclusions and no problems :-TU

I like the look of the GUI. Personally I would prefer ‘Option 1’ (from the online voting page) colour theme with this layout type.

Excuse me but a new version of CCAV came out?

I think a beta, hasn’t been announced yet on the forum it seems.

Now asks if user wants to check virus in external devices. When will it come in cis? :stuck_out_tongue:

What is your impression?
Is CCAV working properly?
Is it safe and effective?
How about the combination of CCAV + COS?
What then is the substantial difference between CAV and CCAV (in addition to lightness) as the level of security and protection are identical?

Thank you! :wink:

What do you think of this test?

I noticed that it created problems with Chrome. Slow down the launch of Chrome extensions. I have uninstalled Chrome and reinstalled but nothing, always the same problem. I uninstalled CCAV and installed CIS and the problem was solved, now Chrome works fine.
Reclaim the problem in CCAV, which is still great for those who want a lightweight, effective and safe antivirus.
I also suggest integrating web protection that filters and protects against dangerous and fraudulent websites.
You can install COS as an alternative but this is also to be enhanced.

Thank you! :wink:

Daamn but that new GUI looks absolutely gorgeous. Hopefully we will see that in future CIS alongside external device scanning :stuck_out_tongue:

version 2 beta not compatible 1809 (windows 10 17763.437)

Works here liosant - no problems or errors. What do you get?