Comodo Cloud Antivirus - Beta v1.9.409924.440

Hi All,
Please check out following beta setup:

Setup URL:
SHA-1: f66b631463404ac9ca41f362ddd009ee59db7c06

where following are changes:


  • Now there is a sea difference in scanning speed. You should be able to complete scan within reasonable time. We have made changes in protocol used by client and there are server side enhancements as well. We are still upgrading server but you can experience much much better performance now.



  • Files with install/setup keyword in path could be uploaded to Comodo even though they were safe.

  • Some of temporary files were left out during installation under “Roaming” folder won’t be are any longer.

Other changes:

  • Quick scan is now default scan after immediate installation. Quick scan scans all files that could be launched on system startup and thus helps detect any active malware and at the same time helps build the cache, so next time when applications are started, results are in cache.

  • When CCAV is updated, scan won’t auto start upon update like has been the case. We already have 30 day scheduled scan and auto scan upon update has been unnecessary.

  • “Sandbox” logs label is changed to “Executed Applications”: When you access logs via “View Logs” section, earlier we had Sandbox section but within that we also had trusted installer entries differentiated by Type column, this was misleading as there were safe application entries as trusted installer mis intepreted if they ran in Sandbox.

This is what we are looking forward from you:

  • Please share your experience with scanning speed.

  • Please also share if it has positive impact on PC performance as cloud lookup for executed applications are expected to be faster than before. Although we are still working on ways to improve speed further.

  • Play with new GUI and lets us know if any changes needed

We expect to make grand release by 23rd Feb,2017 and any feedback in the meantime is highly appreciated.

Again, we want to provide very positive experience of CCAV, which we think is future of client side security as a light weight, direct Valkyrie integration and default deny architecture.

Thank you very much

Thanks umesh :-TU


Good :-TU

I would change the “lucky you” icon. Now, it looks like a chat or feedback icon. The four-leaf clover or valkyrie icon would be better.
The settings window pops-up behind the main CCAV window.

Comodo Cloud Antivirus 1.9.409792.437


Installed…runs smooth and scan is faster.

But the scan after the installation was “Fast Scan” but into the interface it says “First full scan is ongoing” ??
You must changed something but forget the strings??

and the new UI, my loved dark theme seems great 8)

Hi yigido,
Good you gave it a try.

But the scan after the installation was "Fast Scan" but into the interface it says "First full scan is ongoing" ?? You must changed something but forget the strings??
Yes, fixes needed in text. Some more situations also need proper text changes.

Please let me know if you could run full scan and what were the stats.

Thank you

19 min passed at %27
10000 approx. files scanned + 2 PUAs found :-TU

I’ll let you know when it finished

Hi morphiusz,

I would change the "lucky you" icon. Now, it looks like a chat or feedback icon. The four-leaf clover or valkyrie icon would be better.
Yes, agree, it needs to better represent the function.
The settings window pops-up behind the main CCAV window.
Yes, we have in our to do list.

How do you find scan speed?


Hi megaherz33,
Please elaborate your question.


please, some post prints of this new beta?

The Quick scan was indeed quick. :-TU

I’m doing a full scan now and I’m on 101% :THNK

Interesting :smiley:
Seems working extra hard for you.

Will check as in what conditions % could go beyond 100% in code.

Did it say scan completed finally?


Yes, it completed with 100% in a reasonable ~ 20 minutes.

Do you see any performance improvement compare to past?

We had feedback from davidepi and Yash Khan respectively with v426:


From the site downloaded this final version 1.9.409792.437

Thank you so much for pointing.
Seems team pushed by mistake, it is being fixed and will soon reflect last released v426 on site.

Thank you

I think, it will take more time to finish it.

I have Matlab installed and I observed that CCAV tried to scan every single file of it.

Hi yigido,
CCAV scans PE files and other script files.

Considering PE file not needed to explicitly have extension e.g. .exe/.dll etc, PE file is checked by file header.

This ensures even if you have some file 123456 and if malware, it is detected if it were executable.

So when you see file in scan window, doesn’t mean file is being looked up but being verified if PE or not.
