Comodo Chromium Secure 36.1 is now available for download

We are hiring more developers so we can do both of the items you mentioned.

Hmmm…I can not think of any other company that makes 3 (!) browsers at the same time.

This is how much we care about our users!!!

We believe usability is very important, so we will invest more money to keep usability for our users by developing 3 different browsers so that our users can continue using the browser of their choice.

Melih, isn’t this an overkill and waste of resources?

Exactly as Melih said :slight_smile:

Not everyone is the same, people prefer one thing over another. We want give users the browsing experience they are happy with but with our added speed, security and privacy.

Couldn’t you achieve that with the single browser and GUI skins?

It’s not that simple.

Browsers use different rendering engines and their GUIs are vastly different. Different browsers also have different feature sets and different update cycles. It’s easier to improve their existing browser.

Why do people prefer Chrome over Firefox or iOS over Android? It’s hard to convince someone who loves Apple to buy and Android and ultimately they will stick with Apple which they prefer. So if we decide to do a Chromium only browser then Firefox users ultimately just won’t use it, they will go back to Firefox and thus won’t be protected. We want them protected. We think anything is worth the effort to protect us all :slight_smile:

Everyone has their own preference.

I think what Siketa meant was, why make two chromium browsers? Couldn’t you achieve the same with one browser and skins? Isn’t the goal in the end to have them incorporate the same features and since they build on Chromium same rendering engine etc?

Hi Sanya

It’s easier to improve their existing browser.

Let me pose a question, which type of plug-ins should this new hybrid browser support? Chrome or FF or both? Users love plug-ins. We’ll also be forcing them to use a particular type of plug-in. The thought of trying to write a new browser to handle both makes me see endless years of QA.

The complexities of patches and handling different API, it’s really simpler to improve the existing browser.

Users would be happier then too as it will work the way they want.

I’m sorry for being so invasive, but my curiousity is relentless. :slight_smile:

Still not talking about FireFox though, I meant instead of making one FF based browser and two Chromium based browsers you could make one FF based browser and ONE chromium based browser which lets you choose between the Comodo Dragon look and Chromium Secure look, it doesn’t have to do anything to support things for other browsers. Again I don’t know if that is possible which is why I think Siketa asked, personally I think being able to customize the GUI is a good idea, for example I like the Comodo Dragon layout but I’d rather have the Chromium Secure logo in the upper left corner. 88)

CS can use both NPAPI and PPAPI Flash plug-ins.

Ok, so the two Chromium browsers… they essentially will be. We just offer them is different flavours. Already on the forums we’ve seen lots of different views about which browser look and feel people prefer. We don’t want offer a messy GUI confusion to start switching.

CS will be distributed with a number of partners who have asked for a Chromium flavour browser with our added security and privacy.

Aight, but is there any way to have Comodo Dragon but just switch out the logo in the top left to the Chromium Secure logo? Because I kinda really want that logo… ;D

Yes @Sanya, I also want this logo but only in my taskbar :-TU Current logo is not my type…

You can do that!

[ol]- Download attached archive.

  • Extract the Chromium Secure.ico file.
  • Go to the place where you installed Comodo Dragon (for me C:\Program Files (x86)\Comodo\Dragon)
  • Find and right-click dragon.exe

[li]Click Create shortcut (You may have to create it at the Desktop)

  • Right-click the shortcut and click Properties.
  • In the Properties window, find Change Icon and click it.
  • Click Browse and find the extracted Chromium Secure.ico then high-light it and click Open and then OK.
  • Move the shortcut to any place you might want it (You may want to keep it on the desktop, I prefer to have it in the dragon folder)
  • Right-click the shortcut and click Pin to Taskbar or simply drag it onto the taskbar.[/ol]

If only changing the icon that is displayed in the top left of Comodo Dragon was that easy. :cry:

[attachment deleted by admin]

All the youtube video quality is 360p and Vine videos don’t load.

I had this same problem using SRware Iron and I feel like this browser was ripped off from them >:(

Hi Tymotka,

Can you post your video issue to the bug reports sections and I’ll get our developers to investigate?

Chromium Secure, Comodo Dragon, Iron and Google Chrome are all from the same Chromium Project.

But why do we have to manually add PPAPI?

Is there any option to make it portabel like comodo dragon?