sorry for the error is not a bug, but due to constant changes in GUILANG got a dll stored in the windows registry entitled dll (created to see how he was getting the translation). :-[
I started using the CB Betas about a month ago. I’ve got all the updates as they come automatically so now I have
I made an automatic backup job for my data and everything worked fine. At first I did a full backup of my data (not the whole PC) and then every night at 3 am an Incremental backup.
Yesterday I got a Problem with my PC and I had to reinstall everything and wanted to restore my Data but with no luck…
The restore Process stops at 14% every time with an error…
The log says:
26.12.2013 17:23:37 Processing backup failed because restore destination (null) is not available or accessible.
26.12.2013 17:23:39 Recovery failed with code 1 (Internal error).
The restore process has encountered an error
I tried only to select a few important files but it doesn’t Mather what I select, at 14% I get the error.
The other thing is that the few data that did get restored didn’t get restored in the original place they should be, some data that belonged under %AppData% landed on my Desktop.
Then I thought that maybe CB has right Problems so I run it as Administrator with the same result, I also tried to restore data in one specific folder but it didn’t work. I also tried to mount the *.cbu file but it didn’t work, no error. Everything seemed to be Ok but no drive letter…
I was lucky because Windows backed up my data before installing so I didn’t lose anything but that wasn’t funny.
To my system:
Windows 8.1Pro x64, all updates, latest version of CIS, Windows Firewall and Defender are disabled same as the UAC, nothing else was on the machine because as I said I just reinstalled everything.
P.S. Maybe something for the wish list, at same point CB says that it needs Administrator rights and that I should restart the Application, when I press yes, CB gets restarted from the scratch, meaning I have to start the restore from the beginning. It would be nice when the restore job would continue after the restart that CB wants from me…