COMODO Backup BETA bug reports

Please post all bug reports & BSOD’s here.
Be sure to describe the problem and include:

  • Your Operating System (and whether it’s 32bit/64bit);
  • Other Backup & Security Software Installed;
  • How you produced the problem;
  • How you tried to resolve the problem;
  • Screen-shots with the error (if any);
  • if the issue is a BSOD, please post all the dump files in \Windows\Minidump folder (you can compress them)
  • if the issue is a crash, program stops responding or freezes please see this topic
  • if the issue is an error (not program crash or freeze) please run the dbgInfo.bat in installation folder and post the resulting cbu file.
  • Any other Additional Information (for example, any non-default settings used);

Not enough memory causing Sync backup to fail at end screen shot enclosed.

Had a look at the new cCloud website. Lightning fast and a good layout.


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Please collect debug logs.




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sorry for the error is not a bug, but due to constant changes in GUILANG got a dll stored in the windows registry entitled dll (created to see how he was getting the translation). :-[

Clicking on system backup produces the following error:
“no viable destination partitions found for the selected item”

Windows 8 Professional x64
Using comodo firewall

-Tried Restarting
-Tried starting program using run as administrator

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I started using the CB Betas about a month ago. I’ve got all the updates as they come automatically so now I have
I made an automatic backup job for my data and everything worked fine. At first I did a full backup of my data (not the whole PC) and then every night at 3 am an Incremental backup.
Yesterday I got a Problem with my PC and I had to reinstall everything and wanted to restore my Data but with no luck…

The restore Process stops at 14% every time with an error…
The log says:
26.12.2013 17:23:37 Processing backup failed because restore destination (null) is not available or accessible.
26.12.2013 17:23:39 Recovery failed with code 1 (Internal error).
The restore process has encountered an error

I tried only to select a few important files but it doesn’t Mather what I select, at 14% I get the error.
The other thing is that the few data that did get restored didn’t get restored in the original place they should be, some data that belonged under %AppData% landed on my Desktop.
Then I thought that maybe CB has right Problems so I run it as Administrator with the same result, I also tried to restore data in one specific folder but it didn’t work. I also tried to mount the *.cbu file but it didn’t work, no error. Everything seemed to be Ok but no drive letter…
I was lucky because Windows backed up my data before installing so I didn’t lose anything but that wasn’t funny.

To my system:
Windows 8.1Pro x64, all updates, latest version of CIS, Windows Firewall and Defender are disabled same as the UAC, nothing else was on the machine because as I said I just reinstalled everything.



P.S. Maybe something for the wish list, at same point CB says that it needs Administrator rights and that I should restart the Application, when I press yes, CB gets restarted from the scratch, meaning I have to start the restore from the beginning. It would be nice when the restore job would continue after the restart that CB wants from me…

Really no comment at all, really nothing?
I’m disappointed…

The question is, can I use the Software again or could I get the same problem again?
What is "Code 1“why did that happen?



Please install the latest version.
If the error is still present, then please collect the debug logs
