Comodo AV Version 5.12.256249.2599 Won't Update

I am trying to use Comodo AV 5.12 on my Windows 7 64 bit machine, but it will not update. I keep getting an error saying Failed to update the virus signature database. Please check your internet connection and try again. Likewise if I try to update by going to More> Check for updates I get an error that says, Oops! You have just found a bug in Comodo Internet Security. It needs to close. We are sorry for the inconvenience.

I tried manually updating to the latest signature per other threads on the forum, but I am still getting these errors when trying to run the updater from within the program.

I can’t use this product if I have to manually update every day. Kind of ridiculous if you ask me. I don’t see any other resolutions on the forums besides manually updating.

This is the AV updater

[quote]Likewise if I try to update by going to More> Check for updates I get an error that says, Oops! You have just found a bug in Comodo Internet Security. It needs to close. We are sorry for the inconvenience.]/quote]This is the program updater and apparently something goes astray here as well.

I tried manually updating to the latest signature per other threads on the forum, but I am still getting these errors when trying to run the updater from within the program.

I can’t use this product if I have to manually update every day. Kind of ridiculous if you ask me. I don’t see any other resolutions on the forums besides manually updating.

Please make sure that there are no left overs of previously uninstalled security programs around. Not all uninstallers do a proper job. Left over applications, drivers or services can cause all sort of “interesting effects”.

Try using removal tools for those programs to remove them. Here is a list of removal tools for common av programs: ESET Knowledgebase .

See if that fixes the problem for you or not. Keep us posted.

Yeah, tried the removal tools with no change. I also ran the diagnostics utility and it couldn’t find any issues.

Hi pbauerclosing,
I would consider trying an uninstall/reinstall and running this unofficial Uninstaller Tool for Comodo Products in between uninstalling/reinstalling in Windows Safe Mode if possible.

Ok, I’ll give it a try

I can’t even get the uninstaller tool to run. I double click on it and it immediately closes.

I guess I will just have to switch to ClamWin with Clam Sentinel. Thanks guys.

Try booting into Safe Mode and then running the uninstaller tool.

Same problem here. Tried everything. Cleaning tools for my former Internet Security package. Uninstalled CIS and ran the Uninstaller Tool for Comodo Products in Safe Mode. Installed new. Still not able to update the Virus Database. Diagnose from CIS says everything is just fine. The Updater for CIS says CIS is up to date.

Windows 7 Home Premium 64bit, fully updated.

Do I have to forward some ports in my router maybe? If so which ones? Help would be much appreciated.

I’m having the exact same problem. Virus signature won’t update.
The updater works to install program updates just fine but not the virus signatures.

I tried uninstalling everything, then running the uninstaller in safe mode and reinstalling, exactly the same result.

It’s been working fine for years, what went wrong? How can one part update but not another?
I tried downloading the virus signature update manually (not that there is one listed specifically for 5.12 and 7zip says the file isn’t compressed properly or something. Been trying for days to get the virus signature to update. Very frustrating. Is there some sort of log I can check?


I am also having the same problem. Everything works except installing the signatures, where I get the “class not registered” error message.

Please try following the advice which I give in this topic and see if it helps.

I tried everything you suggested in the first post in that topic.
Uninstall with Revo - Safe mode - two different clean up apps - reboot - install latest version.
I now have CIS 6.2 installed and it still can’t update the signatures.

It also installed stuff I didn’t want without asking me:
Geek Buddy
Comodo Dragon

So now it’s worse than before. Now the application updates also fail with an error and the new interface is worse than the last. Now I’m more frustrated with more work to do to get rid of the stuff I don’t want and have less functionality.

I would REALLY like to know what is going wrong. Not just a blanket cleanup and reinstall. How do I find out WHY it isn’t working. Then I can fix it. Is there no way to diagnose the problem? Does anyone actually understand why it doesn’t work?

They can be disabled upon installation: Comodo Internet Security Setup | Comodo Internet Security v 6.2 | COMODO .

So now it's worse than before. Now the application updates also fail with an error and the new interface is worse than the last. Now I'm more frustrated with more work to do to get rid of the stuff I don't want and have less functionality.

I would REALLY like to know what is going wrong. Not just a blanket cleanup and reinstall. How do I find out WHY it isn’t working. Then I can fix it. Is there no way to diagnose the problem? Does anyone actually understand why it doesn’t work?

Did you remove possible left overs from previously installed programs? What OS are you on?

Try running Diagnostic and see what it reports. When it finds a problem please let it make a report and post the report here.

Yes EVERYTHING. In safe mode. Even checked for hidden drivers. None.

Ran the diagnostic every time it failed. No problems found. The last time I ran the installer for the latest version I did it from a cmd prompt with the -log switch. I can attach the install log if that helps.

Did you import a configuration from v5 in v6?

No I did not try to import a v5 config into v6.

I did save my config before attempting to wipe COMODO from my system in 5 different ways in the hopes I would be able to import it again. But I never got to that point.

The virus signatures never updated. Always error connecting to server.

Is there a way to check/change the connection settings? Perhaps get some sort of log of whats going on?

I got the virus signature to update.

Here’s how…

  1. Exit COMODO CIS/ Anti-virus.
  2. Kill any of the remaining COMODO processes in the task manager.
  3. Run services.msc and change the log on as: option for “COMODO Internet Security Helper Service” (cmdagent)

Original setting: Local System account
Setting that works: This account > (Currently logged in user with admin rights)

4.Now start the service again and run CIS. Virus signature update works again.

It’s this old problem from 4 years ago all over again:;msg273395#msg273395

Congratulations on finding this. It had slipped my mind completely.

I think closing the various CIS executables with Task Manager may not be necessary. Key is changing the account under which “COMODO Internet Security Helper Service” (cmdagent) runs. When it needs to be stopped it can also be done in the management screen of Services.

There was no option to stop the service in the services console. I had to kill the service in task manager. Then once it was stopped I could change it’s settings.
I didn’t know if any of the other processes had links or references to the cmdagent service so I killed them all.

Yes , the is changing the account under which “COMODO Internet Security Helper Service” (cmdagent) runs.

My bad. Indeed it cannot be stopped from there.

I didn’t know if any of the other processes had links or references to the cmdagent service so I killed them all.
They may need cmdagent.exe but not the other way around.

Yes , the is changing the account under which "COMODO Internet Security Helper Service" (cmdagent) runs.