CIS v4.1.......CIS Premium!

If you sit by the river long enough, you will see the body of your enemy float by… (Sun Tzu )

If I understand correct it is just CIS without useless stuff

Sandbox is still useless stuff.

It can be disabled. :slight_smile:
But let’s wait those sandbox improvements and then we’ll crucify Melih if sandbox is still useless. >:-D

Will CIS2011 be free? or will it be

CIS Premium is free
CIS 2011,2012…etc are paid.

CIS will always be free. You pay for additional services like TrustConnect and Live PC Help.

Wow thats awesome new! Thanks!

I’m still using version 3.14 ! I’ve hoped that eventualy the version 4.0 will come through the installer but now I see that 4.1 is almost here and…

So will this version come through the 3.14/4.0 own installers or I will have to do a fresh install ?

P.S. A clear answer about this would be nice since untill now all answers I’ve got were like… “eventually it will come through the installer” and now I see that v4.0 has passed and a new version is about to be released !

From what I know they are working for an update through the update part of comodo for 4.1. That is the best I can tell you.

No one can truly confirm anything (except COMODO staff). I don’t think you will able to update from 3.14 to 4.1, but most likely the version after 4.1. That’s the idea I get from what I’ve read. But I could be wrong. :-\

what about the " disinfect " button ??? is it gonna work with this version , or it’s just sandbox fixes ?

Great!!! Keep up the good work!!!

days..not weeks

Give it to me, now! >:-D

My first post in this thread (I’m still non-retired, guys… ;)) and I’m going to quote myself:

Very well done Melih, I think this will be greatly appreciated by the users, also the word "Premium" instead of "Free" is probably important to many people!

Looking forward to release! Some day I would like to see the good old CFP 2.4 blue skin as well. :slight_smile:

Yep that’s right madness, It mad that you all (or most of you) have forgotten about the behaviour blocker that was supposed to be in this version. Simple as that. As I have said yes the non bundled firewall is great but that was the firewall was at the very start. (Come to think of it that is a lie as it had some kind of extra icon with it.) (Ah Launch Pad that was it) Anyway a firewall that is just a firewall wow how amazing well it made people forget about the real issue of another project that has slipped so yeah it has done it’s job. People wake up or stay asleep you choice.

Finally CIS Premium v4.1 is coming out pretty soon (days…not weeks) through the v3.14 auto update I hope they would stick to their promise for the v3.14 platform, I’m really looking forward to see this new CIS Premium PURE and clean without those ■■■■ software been included into the CIS Premium. Because this will make a lot of people out there very happy and they will appreciate Comodo a lot more in security and trust, and it nice to see that Comodo has finally listen to us and they will try and do their very best to support their internet users.

As long as Comodo is strong enough to keep their promise for FREE towards the future and better security protection for internet users online, I congratulation Comodo keep up the great work and PLEASE make sure you check that release version before is goes out for CIS 3.14 through the auto update.

What about the auto updates?When will be possible to schedule them or to choose between manual and auto?

It is not that your words contribute anything that will have such project come faster…

Didn’t the thought occur to you? Perhaps a delay is not enough for everybody to stir up another “FREE” controversy lookalike :-La

While you’re correct that the behaviour blocker has slipped to quite a degree,do you really think it’d have been wise to integrate yet another new technology into CIS while the sandbox has yet to mature? I’d rather see the current product working as flawlessly as possible before adding a new set of potential issues.

As can be seen from the recent fairly disastrous attempts at BB offerings from Alwil and Avira,it’s a technology that needs to be developed extensively to get working right,far better to do so without sandbox bugs clouding the issue IMO.

The auto update from 3.14 to 4.1 hasn’t even been confirmed yet.

No, no, I was asking about AV and program update of 4.1.:slight_smile: