CCAV Hotfix is available today ; Performance issues solved !

Hello Guys,

Thank you very much for your precious initial feedbacks for our unique product Comodo Cloud AV with containment technology !

I would like to kindly inform you that today the new built with the performance issues solved is available.

The Hotfix Release is available on the same link:

Comodo Cloud Antivirus Public Beta Hotfix Version

Fix List :

-Reboot time
-Task board open time
-Browser open time
-Application open time

Please note that we are now working on improvements and bug reports continously ; we are doing our best to provide you the best package for free ; as we always say : security is a right and not a luxury!

Kind Regards

:P0l NOTE FROM MODERATORS: Please post all bugs including performance issues in the Beta Bugs Board as requested by Buket here.

Nice, gonna test it right away.

It’s still horrendously slow compared to other products like avast! and Panda Free AV. Not to mention it’s sandboxing things that weren’t sandboxed by first beta and that were not sandboxed by CIS. Even programs that have existed and are most likely widely used (Intel RST components). It seems like there is NO whitelist that is otherwise used in CIS. Quite annoying as I had to populate trusted apps by myself and that kinda defeats the purpose of such app (especially considering the existence of CIS).


Thanks Buket. Looks good my end. No more lags! Phew! :-TU


Are there any local whitelists in CCAV?

Hello yessnoo,

We only have Trusted Vendor List locally, whitelisting and blacklisting are being done on Cloud. Meaning, CCAV first checks file signature in trusted vendor list embedded in it, then if not matched, it goes to FLS to query file rating from hash. Returned rating can be safe, unknown or malicious.

For your information

Kind Regards

Thank I am gonna install in an hour. Thank you for the fix :-TU

My Sandboxie 4.20 is sandboxed :). When added to trusted it anyway cannot start. I had to uninstall this CCA.

I have experienced videos playing after a pause (like 10 secs). I use MPC BE.

buketB. if the fale has its rating (from cloud check) as not safe but the user wants it to be safe. Is that possible for the user to make this file as safe forever or will it be blocked everytime ccav checks it online? When a user set some file as bad or good does it becomes the default for that especific file or not?

For me, I added my files like this and I got no problem untill now.

Settings > Real Time Protection > Trusted Applications > Click on ‘Add’ button and add your files

good to know…

Some performace is improved, but I still have a lot of weird lags. For instance, in an open Excel file. If I try to moved cells, there is a 2-4 second lag before the cursor moves. I closed out of CCAV, and no more issues.

Well, that makes a bit of a problem. Before CCAV connects to your servers, it just sandboxes tons of stuff that only gets unsandboxed if you manually kill processes or you restart the system. In which case, it’ll again take too long to connect to servers and it just sandboxes the files again. You have to cache whitelists somehow so we don’t get such problems.

Because of this, I as forced to manually add bunch of stuff because it never got whitelisted properly even though the files are old and widely used and not sandboxed by normal CIS.

If I am wrong please correct me. File Intelligence has a cache too. So, even a whiteliest experts sign the file as “Safe” on file intelligence, it needs to purge cache for more recent analyze result.
For example, I am having some issues with whitelisting recently. Whitelist team said ‘X file is processed, safe’ then I run the file and file was sandboxed. Why? In my opinion the problem is FLS cache.

What is the problem here?


As per BuketB, TVL is embedded in CCAV… Whitelist/Blacklist in the Cloud. In CIS too its the same i.e Local TVL… Whitelist/Blacklist in the Cloud, right?
Dont know bug or what but users are seeing quite many files autosandboxed in CCAV but the same not autosandboxed in CIS?

And default file rating query time seems low especially for not fast net users.
Why not instead of minimum time limit set it to maximum time limit? Fox ex - default 30 secs maximum time limit for file rating query.

I am impressed with new Virsucope build in CCAV :-TU I tested the sample on my real- machine :smiley: AV detection couldn’t save you because the detection ratio is too low on VirusTotal 2/55 >:-D Remember? “It is easy to catch a file which is known to be bad. What is tricky? the unknown…” by Melih

Sample : Free Automated Malware Analysis Service - powered by Falcon Sandbox - Viewing online file analysis results for 'e29a7b0d0ae3b000a05b60b2af3c3c52f4b1abad56038cd3768c3511359c9f90.exe.000'

Congrats with the release. :■■■■

Viruscope is going to be your best friend with its behaviour detection techniques…wait and see…