Cavwp.exe using 25% of resources

You have a powerful system. So I would call it a bug when superfetch and cavwp.exe put a huge load on your system. Please file this as a bug following the instructions I gave in the above.

Hi sorry to bump this. But I’ve too also started having this issue. Started yesterday. I checked resource monitor. It was reading windows folder/files. Also it said it was writing to system volume information if I remember off the top of my head.

Looking at windows events, it did state the windows backup service entered the running state. Does Cavwp.exe make use of this?

It’s stopped eating resources right now. But it was a at it again a few minutes ago. Was trying to login to my pc via teamviewer and it was really slow. Then I noticed the CPU usage was being eaten away by cavwp.exe

I’ve got no traces of any other security programs. The only things I installed yesterday was Emule and filezilla.
So system changes besides that if that counts.

There doesn’t seem to be any task logs of cavwp.exe either. And full system scan shows nothing dodgy and such. Plus this is a somewhat fresh install of windows 7 64bit. Installed it near March I think?

The only thing I can think of is maybe it was caused by one of the comodo updates?

Cavwp.exe does not use this. It will respond to actions of the service when it reads or writes.

It's stopped eating resources right now. But it was a at it again a few minutes ago. Was trying to login to my pc via teamviewer and it was really slow. Then I noticed the CPU usage was being eaten away by cavwp.exe

I’ve got no traces of any other security programs. The only things I installed yesterday was Emule and filezilla.
So system changes besides that if that counts.

There doesn’t seem to be any task logs of cavwp.exe either. And full system scan shows nothing dodgy and such. Plus this is a somewhat fresh install of windows 7 64bit. Installed it near March I think?

The only thing I can think of is maybe it was caused by one of the comodo updates?

Other than the av updating the cache builder is known to be eating a lot of resources. Cache builder is set to run only when the computer is idle. However it does not throttle down once the system gets active again and will load the system significantly.

When you are having performance issues with cavwp.exe please check first if the av was updating or cache builder was running. If that is not the case then cavwp.exe may be interacting with an active process. You can check that with remon.exe (Windows own resource monitor). If you find a process that makes cavwp.exe load the system needlessly heavy let us know. Also consider filing a bug report on it following instructions a little bit up in the topic.

Yeah been monitoring it with that when it was happening. But I kinda only saw it reading in the windows folders and such. But I shall keep an eye out. I noticed there is already a bug report on this, so I didn’t reply to it. Though if I should, please let me know and I shall.

At the moment when I do something, even reply to a thread on a forum, resource monitor shows it to be doing what appears like a lot of disk reading. In this case, firefox related files.But pc seems to be fine performance wise for now. Im presuming this is normal behavior though?

Though I did notice this when checking logs just now. Im not sure what caused it to /crash/stop/fail.

I do have the cache builder set to run when idle though. If it gets worse or something, I’ll report it to the bug thread I guess.

Thanks again

It’s FF writing to cache. That is regular behaviour.

Though I did notice this when checking logs just now. Im not sure what caused it to /crash/stop/fail.

I do have the cache builder set to run when idle though. If it gets worse or something, I’ll report it to the bug thread I guess.

Thanks again

I think this crash, even though it is not clear what triggered it, is worth reporting.

If you’re considering to report it then you can find the error report as described here.

Alright. I can’t seem to find the log as I has actually cleared all those reports to free up some space (Kind of a habit lol >_>) But if it happens again I’ll report it. So far no signs of cpu usage going overboard. So I think for now it’s fine. Thanks again

Same Problem … Clean Install of CAV only. Windows XP Pro.

I came here hoping for a solution but I see it’s a common problem.

it is the result of scan of the comodo antivirus.
just stop it in the task manager of cis :wink:

I think it is mainly because of the firewall.
How can I disable monitoring and showing the bandwidth usage?

i repeat it is the result of scan of the comodo antivirus.
just stop it in the task manager of cis :wink:

Hi. Sorry to bring up an old post. I’m having the same problem. The strange thing is that I have the comodo antivirus and firewall installed on 3 machines, and the problem is in only one. It’s on my personal computer, where cavwp.exe is using one core to the fullest ALL the time, constantly. The CPU usage of the process is always 25% (I have a quad core). I did not have any other security software installed.

This issue is causing the CPU to gain heat and the fans to become noisy, as well as affect the performance of my machine. I’m using the latest version of comodo internet security as of this writing. Please help!

[EDIT]: I’ve just realized that the problem is directly related to the use of Opera! :-
I restarted the computer and checked the cpu usage of cavwp, and it’s normal, then I started opera, and cavwp.exe starts using a full core. Now, I closed opera, but cavwp.exe still uses the core fully. I start opera again, and now cavwp uses another core, bringing its CPU usage to 50%!!! Next, I close opera and start it again, and now cavwp.exe is using 75% cpu. I hope this will help the comodo antivirus team figure out what’s causing this behavior.

[EDIT2]: Another observation: cavwp.exe seems to also be preventing opera from closing properly. When cavwp is running, closing the main opera window will leave its process running in the background indefinitely. With cavwp.exe not running (terminated using Process Explorer), opera closes cleanly. HTH

What version of Opera are you using? Is it set to clean cache upon exit?

Opera 20. Not set to clean the cash on exit. I will test it with all the plugins disabled when I get back home.

I’m having the same problem today.
Yesterday I upgraded to the new version of Comodo (firewall+av)
Then I detected the problem (cpu fan activated; this is not only boring, this means that when I am outside, the battery is quickly drained)
cmdagent.exe seldom uses CPU
cavwp.exe uses A LOT of CPU, frequently.
I tried what suggested (antivirus is Stateful, Hips is Clean PC mode, Firewall is Safe mode; I disabled the cache stuff; enabled )
I use Firefox as browser.
Today I have just Thunderbird and one Firefox dialog (I am doing backups and copying files from HD to external HD, and seldom I read mail and see a website); I have XP and 2GB ram.

p.s. tried also with antivirus “on access”

This is a battery drain, and also your new interface is extremely resource hungry.
I’d suggest to use a cpu downclock utility as RmClock in order to better see the problem.
I am going to uninstall.

Sadly, I can confirm this is still an issue as of Aug 2021.

This is on a new installation of Windows 10, with no other antivirus/firewall software installed.
My laptop fan routinely spins up to a high level when I’m not doing anything intensive. I go to Task Manager to check what’s going on. The culprit is almost always cavwp.exe.

This happens a lot, so I did some inspection (as much as I could) - Here’s what I found:

For at least about 30 minutes: The process is using 66% CPU, but very weirdly only 0.6mb of RAM.

So I go to Process Monitor (procmon.exe) to look at the process’s activity: The process (cavwp.exe) is speeding through my storage drives (internal SSD and USB connected storage) - read operations on any and all files it can find. Again, process RAM usage is 0.6mb. 0.6mb is nothing. So what could it be doing at 66% CPU for 30 minutes with hardly any memory usage. At 0.6mb no virus definition files could be loaded into the process, it’s too small, 0.6mb is the size of a small JPG picture, so how could thousands of virus definitions be loaded to check my files against?

After 30 minutes:
Process memory usage suddenly increases to ~30mb - CPU usage is still hovering around 66% - however, now there is no disk activity or IO. This goes on until I shut the process down.

I’ve seen others in the thread write that it could be a cache building process. However, if that was the case, either the process size would be increasing gradually as new information is generated for each file scanned, OR, I would have seen a cache file being written to regularly in the Process Monitor. None of this was observed.

A process stuck at 66% CPU with no disk IO and no fluctuations in RAM usage usually indicates that something has gone wrong:
Is it writing to a cache file: No
Is it generating more and more information in RAM: No
Maybe it could be calculating checksums: Nope, RAM only went from 0.6mb to 30mb when disk activity stopped.
Again, at 0.6mb, this is not enough to store temp data about all the files it has been scanning though.

So what on earth is the process doing?
Forgot to mention, no network IO either. (Which is good because then I’d be even more worried).

On top of this, there are no logs or UI information to explain what is going on. No progress or ETA information.

While watching in Process Monitor, I could see other instances of cavwp.exe being spawned and exited during general usage of my computer, and reading the relevant files, i.e: browser profile data, window store apps operations, documents, etc.

My only other theory is that, maybe the process is communicating with Internet Security Essential Service (isesrv.exe) through some memory mapped file. This could explain why process size is 0.6mb while scanning through files, maybe the scanning definitions are loaded in isesrv.exe (which stands at 20mb RAM - 0% cpu usage). However, that doesn’t explain why this keeps on happening over and over again, since my antivirus mode is set to ‘Stateful’ - which is explained as: only files that have been modified/added are scanned - therefore my whole PC doesn’t need to be scanned every time I use it.

(Q: Maybe it would save it’s information and stop scanning if I didn’t keep killing the process? A: I wouldn’t have to kill the process if I knew what was going on with my CPU!)

It also doesn’t explain why this issue has stayed unresolved for so many years. Comodo must be aware of it, and must know that anybody who looks at Task Manager will see a Comodo process chewing away at CPU. Even if it is expected behaviour, there is still no indication on-screen of what is going on with the process/software.

I really like Comodo IS, it’s a solid piece of software. However, to say I’m suspicious of this process would be an understatement. And unresolved for so many years! So I’m currently exploring other security solutions, even downgrading to a prior version that only includes the firewall component and sandbox/container.
Windows Defender will have to do in terms of antivirus.

No offense to the Comodo team, this software is great, I’m just shedding some light on the situation.