Can't wait for CIS Win10 Release ? Check this topic.

Unfortunately in COMODO’s case it means:

  1. uninstall COMODO
  2. manually search and remove all COMODO (and similar keywords) keys from the registry
  3. manually search and remove all COMODO (and similar keywords) files from the system partition

That’s the only thing in COMODO that’s still REALLY ■■■■. Not that you have to do it frequently, but every few years, during such an occassion as a system install there’s a problem sometimes and people lose loads of times for shit like that.

This tool may help

I upgraded to Windows 10 directly from Windows 7 with Comodo Internet Security v8.2.0.4591 installed and running during the upgrade. I have no issues to report oddly enough. Other than the fact that occasionally CIS detects a new product version has been released and asks me to update. I’m hesitant to as when I click on more info it takes me to the release notes for v8.2.0.4591. :o

similar here, upgraded windows with CIS installed & firewall etc disabled (just in case) and all seems well, firewall required a reboot of win10 to work properly though … no prompts to upgrade CIS observed

Tried it, I’m using CIS since years. On my systems, which included W7/8/8.1 throughtout the years, there were ALWAYS some leftovers keeping me from either Comodo installing properly or firewall not working.

To those who upgraded from earlier version of Windows with CIS still installed who hasn’t found any issues, I would recommend double-checking that the firewall is actually working (On one system it looked fine after an upgrade for me, the firewall looked functional but it actually wasn’t) Just in case I mean, one way to check is switching to “Advanced View” and looking at the main CIS gui under “Firewall”, if it’s functioning then it should say three applications there with a percentage. If it says three applications there and all at 0.00% then your firewall may not be functioning (assuming you have internet access)

Like I said, just to be sure. :slight_smile:

I know mine isn’t working cause the tray icon has the “X” besides the thing showing “0” on inbound and “0” on outbound.

I’ve tried using that “fix” and reboot thing a few times , that doesn’t “fix” anything either.

I have already tried the uninstall , clean up, and re install using the MSI installer, it installed, but never did work, ended up having to do a reovery of the first image I made to be able to start over.

Now I’m just waiting for this “fix” via the download, which I’m hoping shows up pretty soon.

btw: if this “fix” can be put into a small exe, why not do that, if its just going to do some re setting, instead of waiting for some large download., unless there are more “updates” added too.

I upgraded to Windows 10 with CIS installed. I did not have any problem
with CIS.

I have merged your topic with an already existing one about win 10

I ended up desiring to do a full re-install of Windows 10, so I went into Windows 10’s “Settings > Update & Security > Recovery > Reset this PC, Get Started” and chose to remove everything and install a fresh installation of Windows 10. I mainly did this because I wanted to start fresh with nothing left-over that may be incompatible that I’ve overlooked or forgot about. This also let me be assured that I’d be doing a “Clean Install” of CIS Pro on a fresh Win 10 machine.

After setting everything up and making sure I had all the updates for Windows, I logged into my Comodo Account: Comodo Account Management | Login or Create a new Account - and then downloaded CIS Pro on the right. After it downloaded, I closed out my browser and then went to the download folder and renamed “cispro_installer.exe” to “cispro.exe” and then proceeded to run it and install it.

I had absolutely no problems installing it, activating it, and updating it. It is now running properly as before when I was on Win8.1. Actually, I think it is running even better.

Thanks to everyone who has offered advice to others in here, which I used to help get my CIS Pro running properly on my Win10 machine.


I did a clean install, win 10 enterprise MSDN version. After i activated windows, i installed Comodo firewall… period!

Nothing more, nothing less. I have no idea why it dont work for you!

why has comodo such stupid installer names?

that´s what i get from the comodo website.

yet you write about a version v8.2.0.4591.

where do i find this version when i look for the version number? … nowhere!

i know that the above installer is the v8.2.0.4591 version… but why not name it that way?

and when the windows 10 version will be out… do we have to install again or will it be an update?


did windows 10 really come as a suprise on 29 july 2015 that there was no windows 10 version ready?

Lately Windows 10 blocks Comodo firewall from being installed.

i just installed two hours ago. all is working fine with windows 10.
no problems at all here.

if only they would name their installers so it makes sense. 88)

As I wrote here, Comodo seems to work with default settings, but corrupts system when switched to Proactive mode.

I agree. Comodo needs to standardize the names and get rid of the many redundant Firewall/Antivirus/Internet security links that all download the same application. There is no reason to have so many categories of downloads that all download the same file just with a different name.

All of the files have the same exact file size, which is 216Mb.

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Hi aweir14150,
The installers all contain the full suite.
The individual installers contain specific scripts to install only what is requested.

Kind regards.

It still seems redundant being that even with the full internet security suite, the user can choose a custom install and select the components to be installed. But the real issue here is that Comodo should put the version number in the file name, as the previous poster complained that there is no way of knowing which version you have.

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so yo captain, hows that “fix” commin along?

Hi aweir14150,
I am not sure of the reason behind the naming, but once it is downloaded the version number shows in the files properties.

Kind regards.