C.O.M.O.D.O Wallpapers

Nice one, like the look. It is now set as my wallpaper.


That is cool! :slight_smile:


Here is one I threw together quick using MS Office clipart and online Comodo logo’s… inspired by one of my favorite emotes…


The 1024X768 copy is a screenshot cut/paste into mspaint and saved as a JPG.

The 1650X1275 copy is a direct unmodified JPG export out of MSPublisher.

[attachment deleted by admin]

Hi everyone,

Sorry about the problem with Wallpaper 21, but it has been fixed. Also I have added all the new wallpapers! KEEP EM COMING!!! You guys are amazing and are creating a wonderful wallpaper collection. Lets make a minimum of 100 wallpapers our goal. We are a team, and we work together. So lets reach 100!!!


I have some suggestions about COMODO wallpaper download page. Is it possible that you include a snapshot of the wallpaper on the download page? It is for quick viewing so that newbies like me will not have to click on every wallpaper to see what is inside the box. What do you think? :slight_smile:

Yours truly,

I think thats a wonderful idea, and I would be willing to change everything so you could see that (really no joke) but I do not know how to do such a task, does anyone have any ideas on how this could be done?

if they were being hosted, you could always use {img}{/img}

or, use the current “attach a file” option to the post, it always shows a thumbnail… which would replace all the links int he post… but isn’t a post limited to a size? You might run out of post disk quota this way.

I use the [img] on the wallpapers I make so all you need to do would click the link and you see the image, however a lot of people are just attaching their files, and their is nothing I can do about this, and I cannot host all of these images because it uses up my space. But if anyone is interested you can always go to www.photobucket.com and get a free account for hosting images. But I am afraid that it is to late for us to change the way that all of the wallpapers appear.

What do you think about setting up a Comodo account where the moderators know the username and password. Then when someone posts an image one of us to could upload it to the Comodo account so Justin can give a preview of the images on his post.

Do you think this could work?


Thats a question for Melih :slight_smile:

Ok, I’ll send him a PM.

Ok guys we need more wallpapers ;D

Hi guys,

Well a few people have asked about thumbnail previews. Well they are here! A BIG thanks to Mike for his help on getting this done. You can view the updated collection HERE.

Hey Justin / Mike,

Another one uploaded to photobucket - url : http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n222/Comodo_1/comodo_bg_02.jpg

ewen :slight_smile:

The collection has been updated. You can now see the latest submissions!

I was happy to help. Keep the wallpapers coming guys :wink:


Thanks Mike. :slight_smile: Anyway, how did you manage to get about this issue? Does it have anything to do with the latest upgrade of the forum? Just curious.

Justin, I think you are doing a great job in managing the wallpapers. Keep up the good job. Will try to engineer a wallpaper sometime soon. But no guarantee I will come up with one. :wink:

Yours truly,


It was just setting up an account at www.photobucket.com then downloading the wallpapers from the forums and uploading them to photobucket. From here you can generate HTML code for message boards which gives clickable thumbnail links, like that in Justins’ post. :wink:


Whatsup guys? The wallpapers stopped coming >:(

The forums is taking too much of my time. ;D Plus, I am really busy this few days, cannot get my hands on Photoshop. The Unconditional Offer Letter from my university just arrived 2 days ago, therefore, I got plenty of stuff to do. Visa, medical checkup,… the list goes on.

Yours truly,