Bad news: CPF slows down system & internet? [Resolved]

Well just updated to the new version and all my problems have gone ;D

As mike6688 said.

The problem described on this post seems to be solved !!!

Keep up the good work Comodo !!!

Hi all. The upgrade was easy, and no problems exist with CPF at this time. Even the browser skips have gone away. ;D
Thanks Team Comodo. Great job with the fixes.

I knew that magic wand would become handy one day :slight_smile:


Hm, this is fixed? I am getting the same symptoms, and also when I’m playing high-end games, the CPU shoots up to 90%+ range (game uses 30-55%, rest is Comodo). :THNK

Is this issue really resolved, or has it re-emerged in the newest version? Or is Comodo firewall somehow incompatible with Kaspersky antivirus software (or the other way around)? I used version with Kaspersky, and boy, was my internet connection slooow. No CPU problems though. Today I changed my antivirus to Antivir to see if the low speed is due to antivirus or Comodo firewall, I’ll wait and see what happens in the next few days.

Another thing, I installed Comodo firewall two ot three months ago, and as the time has gone by, it has gradually become slower at start up. It’s not annoyingly slow yet (like i.e. ZoneAlarm), but at this pace, it’s definitely getting there. Any ideas why?