Alerts disappear instantly due to audio driver, codec [M1602]

So I uninstalled AWM rebooted and tried again. This time the popup that comes up after you change modes to set time was shown but only for 0.30 seconds or so not possible to do anything. So, what now? :a0

Try to rename/move following file : C:\Windows\System32\vorbis.acm
& restart system.

That actually worked! NOW tell me what is vorbis.acm? in my case i think it comes from “Fruity Loops” but if CIS does not use it I really don’t get why it would break CIS?

If I remember correctly, it’s a codec. Perhaps you are using a codec pack?

Looks like another issue with certain audio codec being installed/used.

Can you tell me more, why would this break CIS? I think it comes from “Fruity Loops” I have installed. Quite sure it has worked before. Can you read anything else from the CIS dump?

Please provide a direct link to “Fruity Loops”.


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Thanks. There is a known issue caused by some audio drivers, codecs as @futuretech mentioned. I’m guessing this one is related.

You could try to disable sounds from “Advanced Settings” with vorbis enabled. Does it make any difference?

Indeed, turning offplay sound when an alert is found” in CIS will “fix” the problem. Or by simply renaming “C:\Windows\System32\vorbis.acm” then reboot. Thank you for the help and I did not mean to sound/behave rude back then, just frustrated.

I’m off to bed.
But would really like to know what all this is about. Would you stay on this report and investigate or send it to the devs? Let me know if you need more info and I give it to you when I get back.

PS: When this is corrected by the devs, I would really appreciate if we could get informed as to how this can happened. As I cannot see a connection to the Popup/Sound Window and vorbis.acm

Thank You for the solution above.
I confirm this problem exists on Windows 10 as well. The solution above fixed the problem for me. I disabled the notification sound in Comodo and rebooted.

This should be fixed with Comodo Internet Security V10.0.0.6071 Beta if you are still experiencing this issue please make a reply thanks.

Moving back to verified due to crashes still observed with CIS10.

Please check with Comodo Internet Security v10.0.1.6209 thanks.

  1. The notification dialog of Comodo Firewall is closing by itself in a half of second.
  2. When i disable the Firewall, the dialog appear and close iitself in a half of second don’t let me choose 15 minutes.
  3. Firewall is crashing Itunes. When i disable the Firewall unchecking Activate Firewall (Recommended) [only way to disable] the Itunes opens.

I’m using the last build of Windows 10 Enterprise up to date, last version of Comodo Firewall and last version of Itunes.

I have the same problem of notification closing itself on another machine with Windows 10 Pro.

Looks like another case of

Please provide dumps located in C:\ProgramData\Comodo\CisDumps folder.

Merged topics for same issue.

Please check with thanks.

Seems fixed with Comodo Internet Security v10.0.1.6294