After more than 6 weeks... I have returned from the dead


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Things are different in these forums; and not for the best.

Good people are leaving, and the good people that are replacing them are not as good as good was.

Cookies… good!

We know Soya is not about bloatware. Perhaps he shall switch to DSL, or puppy, for a small, lean, OS. No bloating there.

Glad you are NOT deleting yourself, as some are oft wont to do; one hopes you will still be around here and there.


arjunpa deserves to be arrested and spend time in Sandboxed isolation for his propaGanda in this Josho’s thread !!! ;D

“propaGanda” oh I love it!

I have a feeling you are the 2nd account of someone who deleted their previous account…but I haven’t figured out who yet. 88)

I’m still wondering who you mean by “good people that are replacing them”…definitely not me anyhow. I’m an old unreliable user. Maybe I was never good in the first place though. :-\

BTW, ganda seems to have left (at least temporarily). Surely he it isn’t one of the “good people” is it?

Just when one mod leaves, two mostly inactive mods show up. 88)

Thanks Little Mac,

but keep in mind that the “propa” part is not the pronunciation of the word “proper”, because there is no such thing as Ganda being proper :slight_smile:

As for arjunpa’s punishment – that is not a severe one, cause if that is Comodo’s “sandbox” - he can easily find a way out & escape :smiley:


BTW, ganda seems to have left

There are rumours of a Ganda Cult in Patagonia.

They worship a statue with no head. Legend has it that if you see Its face you will be turned into stone.

I’ve asked help from scholars and they produced this

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Mostly I’m silent but deadly. Kail’s just misunderstood. ;D

Actually, I heard that Soya was activating his anti-bloatation device and I hurried right over…

there is no such thing as Ganda being proper
No doubt about it.

You might be mistaken.

Kirrin avoided the topic in his last reply: ;D

Of course my word against a mod’s is nothing. 88)

You have your moments, Jeremy ;D

I hate it but I’m gonna Hijack. This has really gone far enough, there are MANY here that I enjoy, including SOYA, LASERWRAITH, PANIC, LANGUY99, Whoop-dee-doo, EricJH, John Buchanan, Josho, even…God forbid…GANDA. :stuck_out_tongue: There are many here that make this forum what it is. I named mostly Mods coz that’s usually who I hear from. ;D

We have a good group here, we don’t need to lose anybody. Am I alone here?

Its high time that we write a sequel to old where is ganda? thread. ;D


I absolutely agree with you. We can go on and furnish a never ending list.
I just want this forum to be what it was back in old days!!!

It was expected as much - arjunpa managed to escape from “Comodo’s sandbox punishment” ;D

… not just a forum “back in old days”, but the Software as well :wink:


I meant to add you on my “good list” too SL…oh no…I said “list”. Ganda must be coming back soon. 88)

Due to your prayers i escaped safely.

I have had many moments! :stuck_out_tongue:

I’m 2nd on the list. Is that good or bad? Panic is right up behind me. :o

(I was wondering if the list was sorted alphabetically, but after I minute I decide it wasn’t). 88)
