A different interface for Comodo Firewall users

Kaspersky has started this interface long time back.

Seems we copied them…

I want to add my vote to a more useful UI for v6. I have not installed the Beta but I’ve been following the threads on the forums here and that new UI sucks. I use Comodo because I was an IT tech before I retired (yes, I’m a grumpy old git now). I love the fine level of control CIS gives me and part of that is the v5 UI that gives me an excellent overview of what’s going on where.

I too understand the need to embrace touch and I appreciate that non-tech users want a fit-and-forget security tool (though why they’d choose Comodo if that’s what they want is beyond me) but I see no reason why we can’t have a novice/advanced option somewhere in v6 that would allow advanced users to get a more informative UI at the very least?

I’m not a novice and I don’t want Comodo to treat me like one. My ex-techie background is the pricipal reson I’m a Comodo user. The current UI is big turn-off for me and an excellent reason not to upgrade. Sorry about that but it’s a fact. :frowning:

Hi captainsticks.

I’m not against change :slight_smile:

I hated the UI change behind Windows 8, until I tried it.
My main concerns were turned void:
1.Terrible to navigate with a mouse UI like Unity under Ubuntu - nope, it’s actually easier with a mouse, you just use your mouse scroll wheel, no need to “swipe” like an idiot (no offence to anyone).
2.Always live apps - nope again, uninstalled and turned Off all of them in that Metro thing.
3.Tablet interface - nope, after I pinned all my apps to the taskbar as on every windows, I don’t see that Metro thing at all, It doesn’t exist as far as I’m concerned :slight_smile:
And many more.

Basically Windows 8 managed to turn every one of my horrors mute and instead provided me with the fastest, most snappy OS by far.And the laptop fan is OFF for 90% of the time.Reverse that for Win7 and XP (no I don’t us my DVD-Rom as a coffee cup holder).

But, my Firewall is a different thing.
I don’t want “press to win” button for my firewall!
The devs here are trying to make things easy for touch users, but they miss the great truth, that SUCH USERS DON’T EVEN KNOW WHAT A flipping* FIREWALL IS!
They will NEVER use it, NEVER learn what it is, NEVER see it in any shape or form.
The only thing such users know how to do is to find internets pr0n!
That’s ALL they can do.

So the devs here may be thinking that they are creating a wonderful new UI for everyone while in fact they are doing this:

-Average user searches for pr0n - Comodo points = 0
-Advanced users with no UI - Comodo points = -9001
Comodo Score = -9001

Comodo stops providing what they do best = move along to Eset

Happy holidays.
And my sympathies to everyone in the USA for the terrible tragedy there…

Oh, I forgot to mention :slight_smile:
When you don’t please advanced users, the following happens:

Avarage pr0n user : “Hey what’s the best Antivirus?”
unhappy* advanced user : “Insert a “Not Comodo” product here”

Comodo points -∞

Take a lesson from Ubuntu :wink: just a hint :wink:


  • 100500

I have to agree - I miss the old interface which was much more informative. I’m also disappointed that i am unable to set up my own groups under the firewall settings - therefore I have to enter applications one at a time which is very frustrating. Unless i’m missing something!?


Very nice idea

i agree

bring such information to the number of input and output ports and the number of active processes would be interesting to have Them back, also the not see the need for the circle button above already That there is an indication of the status of software on top of the main window comodo.

I prefer safety, but prefer the practicality >:-D

I wonder who designed that ■■■■ of interface… it’s comodo really paying him? and then I wonder who decided that is was a good interface to use in CIS 6…
It’s is not a basic interface so we want an advanced one, is a useless and confusing interface no matter if you are an expert or a noob

ok people dont like the interface but i personally dont look at the interface too often.I make my configurations etc and the leave it at that.I hardly ever open the interface.To me comodo is a set it and forget it program. ;D

I actually like the new interface, it’s pleasant to the eyes and much easier for less tech-savvy users. I know a lot of the forum users here don’t fall into that category but that category is probably going to be a huge target for this product.

However I would like to see the return of the Defense +, Firewall, and Antivirus stats, maybe something like what I have attached

[attachment deleted by admin]

I would like that interface you Made Justin