Tray Animation Inversely Shows Green & Red Arrows

Hey >:( I only saw this thread today >:(. But if you meant the others, then I’m fine with that ;D
Anyway, I updated the thread title to be more meaningful (:KWL)

Thanx for the edit Soya… at least i got through in the end… (:WIN)

Well you can add one more person that uses COMODO Firewall with reversed arrows. I confirmed the download operation with two different programs, GetRight (registered) and BitMeter. While downloading the green arrows on the right are maxed out, and every now and then a couple of red arrows on the left going down will show up.
It always worked fine for me with ZA (license ripoffs) which I dumped for COMODO, which is a much better firewall. (S)

I’m on a fully updated XP (SP2) machine. Yeah, I know all about SP3, and when they get all the bugs worked out I’ll head that way… 88)