Youtube problem with Comodo Secure DNS

Hello guys,

I have Windows Xp Pro 64 bit with IE8 and fully patched. Also i have only CIS Premium installed. I use Comodo Secure DNS too. With these configuration i can’t even open Youtube and other Google Services but when i change my DNS to another, everything goes smoothly. Are there problem with my pc or with Comodo DNS service. By the way i am connected from Turkey and i know there are some restrictions by local court order to google and youtube services. Is my problem related with this situation ?

I need your help thank you so much for your answers.

I tried the Comodo DNS servers here from the Netherlands and I could reach Google Docs You Tube and Google search engine.

What happens when you use the DNS servers of your provider?

When i click on Youtube link from google search, it doesn’t show anything i just see the IE circle turning and nothing else. I guess there is no problem with Comodo, i believe that because we can’t reach google services quickly as before.