Your favorite TV show

I like The Simpsons.

The IT Crowd

Those arent really shows there cartoons. My favorite show is 2 and half men and CSI.

The Sopranos by a whole English country mile!!


some old series:

  • McGyver
  • Knight Rider

I like several of the action series, but because of the work schedule find myself watching most the next day over the Internet.

CBS, NBC, FOX, along with Hulu, Veogh, Joost, and the new Adobe Media Player and of course In2TV (AOL)

Was tryig the new Flash Player beta which is supposed to utilize the video card and release some of the cpu processor, but found that CBS does not currently recognize this current beta version and cannot view Full Screen.

There is one episode of the New Knigt Rider, on Adobe found several Macgyver shows, also some old Alfred Hitchcock even in black and white they still shows use your imagination and not a lot of special effects.
