Hello technical support, an you please send me the removal tool mencioned in this post? my e-mail is fravato@gmail.com, I really appreciate your help.
Hello technical support, an you please send me the removal tool mencioned in this post? my e-mail is fravato@gmail.com, I really appreciate your help.
Hello im also in need for this untility. ceasar2004@hotmail.com
Thank you
Hi, can you send it to me?
skoog.timmy (a) gmail dot com
I am trying to reinstall comodo after imaging the drive but it keeps giving me the error above. I can not find the file to remove it
I moved and merged your post with this topic. Here you can request the removal tool.
I have the same problem can you send me a tool?
i need the fix tool
Flykite, please send me the fix tool to nathan.w660i at gmail dot com as I am stuck in a boot loop.
Last night I installed CTM 2.8 on Windows XP SP3 and I created a snapshot but when I restarted my PC it was stuck in a boot loop and thankfully I can able to uninstall it from boot screen after pressing the Home key on the key board. Now I reinstalled after uninstalling it completely by clicking on Uninstall icon found on the the start menu and not from the control panel as said in the user guide.
This CTM guide can help others.
[attachment deleted by admin]
Having trouble reinstalling CTM on Windows 7 64 bit machine. I uninstalled (used Windows Add/Remove Programs) and now when I try to reinstall i get the " “You must restart your PC to complete the installation…” message. Can you help?
If you leave behind your email address here the clean up tool can be sent to you.
Hi there!
Guess, what ?! Same Problem here! Please send me the fixing tool > herbergsdaddy[at]gmail.com
Thanks in advance!!
BTW > (Beside this problem) Awesome Software, I use it all the time!!
Long time ago I had the same issue and the only option left was to reinstall the OS. I reinstalled Windows 8. Please send me the fix tool as I am afraid to install CTM in Windows 8 again. My email is nathan.w660i [at] gmail dot com .
“You must restart your PC to complete the installation…”
Please send me fix vytenisr@mruni.eu
Can I please get a copy of the fix tool at kenneriii1978(at)gmail.com