Yahoo & HIPS problem

I have a problem with CAV 2.0beta.
It’s because HIPS.When I open Yahoo messanger HIPS says that Yahoo is not on Comodo SafeList.
Then I click allow but HIPS get bug,and block Yahoo and itself

Look at the picture

[attachment deleted by admin]

I’m having a simular problem and its not just with Yahoo. I have had it block my browser Opera, Boca Clean just about anything that I try to run. I also selected allow but the HIPS control changed it backed to blocked status. I then went to exclude to select the programs that I was running and it still reported the programs with blocked status?

Do they have a non beta the one could download?

Please help

Dave (:NRD)

Im having a similar problem. I cant log into any email or or sites with a login page. I can get to yahoo but when I click on mail i get a message not found. THis is in IE. I cant get to any web pages in Firefox. I downloaded and installed Opera and I cant get to any webpages with Opera. What is going on here. Its not the sites, I can get to them from other computers. I uninstalled CAV (I want to reinstall), but this hasnt changed anything. How to ensure that blocked apps and web site logins can be reset in CAV? :BNC

Hi ptriolo

Welcome to Comodo Forums

There is a bit of a bug in the manage allow/block button for HIPS so if you have something on your block list it is impossible to get at it to remove it without uninstalling and reinstalling CAVS. As you said that you uninstalled it make sure that the “Comodo Antivirus” folder and all its sub folders are deleted before reinstalling. Also it wouldn’t hurt to use a good registry cleaner to catch anything that may have gone wrong on the install. If you have not checked block for any of the programs you are having a problem with you may try to put them in the HIPS exclude list to see if that helps. Other than that you have to wait for the new version to show up, which we know that the developers are now working on.

Hope you get it working for you
