XP Log On Screen

Was wondering if any one might be able to help. Ive been using the default Welcome Screen on Windows XP now its gone back to the Username/Password which i dont want. Ive applyed Welcome Screen on user setting buts its ignoring it

sigh Here we go again. You’ve been fondling the XP registry haven’t you? Haven’t you!? >:(

You still haven’t answered my question here. Then I’ll tell you the answer to your mysterious Welcome Screen issue.

done that :stuck_out_tongue:

can u help now :smiley:

I also messed this setting in XP before; just don’t remember. I know for sure that it had something to do with the registry. As usual, there’s more than one way in XP of configuring a given setting. Let me google again.

OK! Here’s the official method: How to Disable the Windows XP Welcome Screen . Try it first.

ive done that but windows is not reading it and it using the default username/password screen

Did u reboot after that?

Here’s another one, especially the 2nd part: kellys-korner-xp.com - kellys korner xp Resources and Information.

ive done that but windows is not reading it and it using the default username/password screen

will check out the link

Fast User Switching in conjunction with XP instead of Classic.