xampp-control.exe and Defese+ suspicious attempts [Resolved]

Hi all, I frequently use Xampp on Windows XP SP3. Lately, I noticed that while running Xampp control panel (of both the two latest versions 1.7.0 and 1.7.1 ), Defense+ shows a large amount of suspicious attempts of memory access. I checked the log and verified that the issue occured for the first time when I installed Xampp( 01/19/2009 ) and a new alert is added every 2 seconds, as you can see from the screenshots:





So, I tried to classify xampp-control.exe (the xampp control panel starter) as trusted application, but Defense+ still logs the suspicious attempts. I suppose that is a false-positive in the heuristic, so how can I stop this? Searching with google revealed nothing, as like searching within the Comodo forums.

I followed the instruction found on a similar post >> https://forums.comodo.com/defense_bugs/continual_logging_in_defense_of_logitech_application_resolved-t40562.0.html

The instructions are given for Comodo Internet Security but the porcedure is the same as for Comodo Firewall v. 3.9.95478.509, it worked, and Defense+ stopped logging xampp-control.exe.

Not resolved for 5.3 - I tried to follow the advice in the other post but the settings are not there, so I can’ add the process…

How to do it in 5.3?

Here is explained for v5.3.

Thank you for directing me to that post, it works as expected. :-TU

I did some forum searches before but didn’t find it and I already was in that setting, but I didn’t think about clicking on th item in the last table column (Hint to the UI designers: If there is a setting don’t show it just by color ;))