Woww, CIS 4 reached 100% at Matousec


100 % at Matousek.

You are great!!!
All tests were executed outside the Comodo Internet Security’s sandbox.

Good work ! Congratulations from Germany



Probably the best news I have heard about Comodo in a while!!! :slight_smile:

This is OUTSTANDING news… And a outstanding result, CIS being the only product to score 100% against 148 tests!

Congratulations to the entire CIS team (Egemen being lead dev) and off course Melih as CEO to achieve this result!


Hmm, CIS 4 without sandbox and (probably) Allow All outgoing rule removed is in fact CIS 3.x so basically they retested old version against 148 tests. I was curious how CIS 4 performs out-of-the-box with Sandbox enabled. :a0
Also I want to see how it performs in 64bit environment.

Nevertheless it’s a very good result so kudos to CIS development team. :-TU

LE: LegendOfTheKipper is not a fair comment. I don’t like synthetic tests but at least I heard something about Matousec. About that MRG here I heard for the first time and I hope that for the last time too. BTW nice thread about MRG. :P0l

I guess matousec must be a little cheaper that mrg :slight_smile:

Are you jealous? :-* >:-D

Congratulations to the developers.

With all the leaks and bugs reported this is unbelievable.

Yet another proof that tests can be misleading.

I love CIS but version 4 is far from perfect.

Heres to Melih and his developers.100%, a huge well done to you all , lets get the other improvements into Cis asap and it may just go 110% if that were possible.!

Once again, thanks for the peace of mind Cis brings.

Dave 1234.

All the credit goes to Egemen and his team for working so very hard to build a rock solid security product!


Nobody’s asking you to read them hoss.

Anyway, congrats to the team. I would like to know their settings.

mod edit: Policy Violation citation removed. kail

How much configuration is required to achieve these results? What settings need to be changed? (network security policy, network security level, stealth ports settings, ect.)

Probably just set proactive mode and disable sandbox

Quote from here:
under Methodology and Rules

The products are configured to their highest usable security settings and tested with this configuration only. We define the highest security settings as settings that the user is able to set without advanced knowledge of the operating system. This means that the user, with the skills and knowledge we assume, is able to go through all forms of the graphic user interface of the product and enable or disable or choose among several therein given options, but is not able to think out names of devices, directories, files, registry entries etc. to add to some table of protected objects manually, not even if such a configuration is suggested on the product's support forum or website.
A bit vague, but I bet this probably means configure CIS to proactive and disable the sandbox. I wouldn't classify paranoid mode as a usable security setting for an ordinary user.

I have no idea about the stealth ports wizard, but would that matter for this test?

Still, wouldn’t mind knowing exactly how they configured it. Does anyone know if that information is available to anyone outside of Matousec?

or you can do what I have in my signature and I was able to get 340/340 with sand box enabled.

All tests were executed outside the Comodo Internet Security's sandbox.
Last page in this [url=]pdf[/url].

I’ve been hearing about the ruleset allowing all IP out by default. And when you switch stealth port settings, the ruleset also changes.

One thing more, is it the Defense+ that’s blocking these leaktests, or the firewall itself?

With four high-scoring products now I guess those poor folks at Matousec will have to start working on an even more elaborate test suite… :wink:

Hey no one should be complacent. Please see my and others research on the other thread;msg393797#msg393797

…and then take a look at MaLware Research Group tests.

It’s not all about succeeding in Matsoutec tests, although that is of course excellent news!

NICE !!! (:CLP) (:CLP) (:CLP) (:CLP) (:CLP) (:CLP)

Excellent, Comodo CIS Development Team!