With CIS v3.8 do you get less pop ups compared to previous versions?

Impressive to me. I got mine down to 14 including the 2 Comodo processes. On XP home. And that is also compared to the 41, on a restart, on the media center machine in this house, using a mc type of security.

You must have turned off Task Scheduler, and ? Just wondering how you beat me.

As for your exe prob. I couldn’t duplicate it. I use firefox. Despite what I said earlier, my test downloads, with doiing some switching around, with my limited time and skills, didn’t produce any notices. But I know I’ve seen some in the past. It’s so hard to remember everything. Rats.

Yep, I didn’t count Task Manager. So I guess you’re just one process behind. :slight_smile: Might be some svchost.exe, in case you have more Windows services enabled than I do. I think I have two (2) svchost.exe running (not at home now, can’t check).

OK, thats strange… must be some setting in D+. ???

Ok, I meant the windows service “Task Scheduler”. I keep it on cause (Off topic, sorry folks) I’ve become a firm believer in Windows defrag and the prefetch system (while using a thoughtful partitioning deal). It does work the best.

Since you are also a “service stopper” type. I will ask you, do you keep the Cryptograhic service on? I’ve read that Comodo needs it. And my experience is it does. Thus I keep mine set to auto, so it doesn’t have to be started up manually later, manual seems to keep the system busy, a tiny bit, better to just do it on boot.

It’s a pain being a tiny bitter!

Where the hell is the big picture? I can’t find it anywhere…

CIS uses it:

Mine is set to Automatic. :wink:

Sorry, I read your post too fast. No, I actually have Task Scheduler enabled (due to update of boot prefetch only). :smiley:

Crypographic Services set to manual. :-TU

There are several threads around regarding these things, if you’re interested, I advice a little search in the General Board. There you will also find one of my “killer threads” (well, maybe my only “killer thread”): How to slim down and tweak (kill) your Windows XP installation. :slight_smile:

You know, I think that is a famous thread. I have indeed read it, quite awhile ago. It lead me to the Bold Fortune guy too. Thanks for the increased headache! :slight_smile:

Ok, so the Crypto service isn’t the reason for your excessive alerts.

What about this then, I just now set my config to Proactive in Paranoid mode,
(it was set to Internet Security, the default I guess, and with Paranoid mode.
I recently did a clean upgrade/reinstall and never checked which config was up),
and I Did get alerts with each of several downloads when they were trying to save. I didn’t get those alerts using the Internet config.

I had it set to Proactive prior to this install, that’s why I remembered getting alerts like you are now.

Personally, I prefer the Proactive (in Paranoid though I’m not), I think I like knowing I’m going to get told if things are downloaded, I figure “if it catches what I intend to download, it’ll catch what I don’t intend also”.

Check yr config I guess, I can’t recommend which is really the better one. But I’m glad you brought this subject back to my attention so I noticed I had my config set different than I wished. That’s why I read the forum, to learn how to use the tool.

Unfortunately I can’t check whether I got the browser+download alert also in the default Internet Security Mode, since I always immediately after installing CIS switch to the Proactive Mode*, and then I delete the other three configurations (Bold Fortune would ;D). I will however test upon next installation of CIS, when 3.9 goes final I’ll uninstall the beta and freshly reinstall the new one. I really want to see what all the “silence talk” is about, because I’ve never seen a silent CIS but that’s just because I don’t want it to be silent - with one exception - when downloading files with the browser. :wink: Anyway, I’m looking forward to try CIS 3.9 in the default mode, to see just how silent it is, according to many forum users. :-TU

*Though with two tweaks: lower D+ to Clean PC Mode and raise Firewall to Custom Policy Mode. These are the ideal settings for me.

Ok, I found a way to solve this “downloaded .exe alert” question.

My D+ config is Proactive/Parinoid. Current version of CIS.

If I go to D+ Computer Security Policy and choose the Firefox rule (which I have set to Custom Policy), I can then do either of 2 things to stop the alert.

One is to Change the Protected Files/Folders from Ask to Allow. But that seems a bit extreme and maybe not a good idea. But with that changed I didn’t get an alert downloading .exe’s.

So, instead, leave the Protected Files/Folders set to Ask and then open it’s Modify, click Browse, look for your folder where you save your downloads to and click Add. Apply.
This solution also stopped alerts when I downloaded .exe’s. This seems like it could be a safe method, as only the one “known folder” is allowed to accept without telling you. And you’d most likely notice something different when you eventually opened it.

And, you could go totally full on: with the A/V, Create a New Scan for just that one folder and create a schedule for it. lol.

Thank you for the suggestion, I’ll return in ~12 hours and try it (currently not at home)

OK, I tried it, and it works. Nice job! :-TU

However, I’m not sure what it really means that Opera now has access to a folder of my choice. I chose ‘My Documents’, which is an empty folder. I only use it as a temporary folder for downloads. So I guess Opera can’t cause much trouble with that folder, LOL.

I hear ya. I think it just means we’ll know where to watch. Pretty cool we can even have this option. My previous security pgm didn’t give any options similar to this.