wireless PDA

How can I set comodo to allow my pda to acess my wireless network? I think comodo is blocking it.

Does the logs say anything?

I’m a bit of a newbie, so bear with me, I have a lot of ICMP incoming and outgoing violations, but their all to different ip’s?

Have you set up a trusted zone/network?
Have you installed with auto?
Are you using default rules?

Yes, Yes and yes, I used zone alarm before finding comodo, and pretty much accepted the default values.

Are the IP of your PDA within the trusted zone?

Yeah, its well within the range of the ethernet adapter, these icmp access violations worry me though, every five seconds!

Can you post the log?
Right click in the log and export as html.

I tried posting log but it wouldn’t allow html files, so I zipped it, but it then told me the uploader is full?

Can you just copy and paste it in your post?

I’ve pasted a small section here


Comodo Firewall Logs
Date Created: 22:40:14 17-12-2006
Log Scope: Today Date/Time :2006-12-17 22:40:09Severity :MediumReporter :Network MonitorDescription:Outbound Policy Violation (Access Denied, ICMP = PORT UNREACHABLE)Protocol:ICMP OutgoingSource: Destination: Message: PORT UNREACHABLE Reason: Network Control Rule ID = 9Date/Time :2006-12-17 22:39:54Severity :MediumReporter :Network MonitorDescription:Outbound Policy Violation (Access Denied, ICMP = PORT UNREACHABLE)Protocol:ICMP OutgoingSource: Destination: Message: PORT UNREACHABLE Reason: Network Control Rule ID = 9Date/Time :2006-12-17 22:39:44Severity :MediumReporter :Network MonitorDescription:Outbound Policy Violation (Access Denied, ICMP = PORT UNREACHABLE)Protocol:ICMP OutgoingSource: Destination: Message: PORT UNREACHABLE Reason: Network Control Rule ID = 9Date/Time :2006-12-17 22:39:39Severity :MediumReporter :Network MonitorDescription:Outbound Policy Violation (Access Denied, ICMP = PORT UNREACHABLE)Protocol:ICMP OutgoingSource: Destination: Message: PORT UNREACHABLE Reason: Network Control Rule ID = 9Date/Time :2006-12-17 22:39:39Severity :MediumReporter :Network MonitorDescription:Outbound Policy Violation (Access Denied, ICMP = PORT UNREACHABLE)Protocol:ICMP OutgoingSource: Destination: Message: PORT UNREACHABLE Reason: Network Control Rule ID = 9Date/Time :2006-12-17 22:39:24Severity :MediumReporter :Network MonitorDescription:Outbound Policy Violation (Access Denied, ICMP = PORT UNREACHABLE)Protocol:ICMP OutgoingSource: Destination: Message: PORT UNREACHABLE Reason: Network Control Rule ID = 9Date/Time :2006-12-17 22:39:09Severity :MediumReporter :Network MonitorDescription:Outbound Policy Violation (Access Denied, ICMP = PORT UNREACHABLE)Protocol:ICMP OutgoingSource: Destination: Message: PORT UNREACHABLE Reason: Network Control Rule ID = 9Date/Time :2006-12-17 22:38:34Severity :MediumReporter :Network MonitorDescription:Outbound Policy Violation (Access Denied, ICMP = PORT UNREACHABLE)Protocol:ICMP OutgoingSource: Destination: Message: PORT UNREACHABLE Reason: Network Control Rule ID = 9


If you have a look at the originating IP address that is causing these alerts it’s, which is a private address, assumedly the PC that is running CPF. The destination addresses are many and varied, but none are an IP address I would associate with a PDA (these are typically 169.X.X.X, which is the default subnet Windows applies).

What sort of PDA is it and what operating system is it running?
How do you connect wirelessly - Microsofts Intellisync?

Can you please post a transcript of network rule #9 as it appears in your CPF Network
Monitor listing? This is the rule that is blocking the outbound requests.

The log extract you’ve posted here doesn’t seem to have anything to do with a PDA. That doesn’t mean the alerts aren’t worth looking into. :wink: Let us know about the PDA and its connection to your PC and we’ll try and get that sorted out first. Then we’ll look into the alerts.

Ewen :slight_smile:

I’ll try and answer your questions as best I can.

The PDA is a MDA Vario running windows mobile 5, it has built in wifi that connects to my wireless router.

My pc router has the IP and my PDA has an IP

Rule #9 was there by default since installation.

Thanks again.

[attachment deleted by admin]

Remove your ID 0 rule and run the “define a new and trusted network” in security/tasks, or split the rule manually. It’s better if you run the wizard, so it’s done the right way. You can rename/change IP range after anyway. Use the add/remove/modify zone, if you need to change something.

The TCP/UDP rules you have should only be In, if they specify a port for lets say P2P/torrent apps.

There is a default TCP/UDP Out, zone (any), any, any, any, which you should add.
I can’t see on your screenshot if you have one, but I can see that you are using both in and out on your TCP/UDP rules, so you should change them.

reboot, and try it again. If it doesn’t work, post a screen shot again, but try to maximize, so we can see all details.