"Winsshd" after version 5.09 does not work (Guardxx.dll issue) [Resolved]

Bug with “Winsshd” after version 5.09 !

The bug/issue

  1. What you did: WinSSHD does not work (with Comodo 4 and 5). Only works with version 5.09 and below
  2. What actually happened or you actually saw: connection impossible, connection rejected
  3. What you expected to happen or see: Login Successful
  4. How you tried to fix it & what happened: Tests are here.
  5. Details (exact version) of any software involved with download link: 5.09 → OK, 5.14, 5.15, 5.16, 5.17, 5.18, 5.19 → not OK

Files appended
look https://forums.comodo.com/empty-t62079.0.html
look https://forums.comodo.com/empty-t51432.0.html

History change for Winsshd

Your set-up

  1. CIS version & configuration used: 4 and 5 same probleme
  2. Whether you imported a configuration, if so from what version: No
  3. Defense+ and Sandbox OR Firewall security level: Defenseplus=“Mode sécurisé”, Sandbox=not enabled
  4. OS version, service pack, bits, UAC setting, & account type: Windows 7, 64 bit, N/A, Admin account.
  5. Other security and utility software running: Avast 5 free
  6. CIS AV database version: Not applicable



This tread is blocked : https://forums.comodo.com/empty-t51432.0.html

With my same configuration of my computer and with “Comodo 5” … WinSSHD does not work !!!

What should I do ?

Staying version “Comodo 4” ?

Hi Steph!

Please try:

  1. excluding all Winsshd executable files from buffer overflow protection, using Defense plus settings ~ Image execution control ~ exclusions. This now excludes from guardxx.dll
  2. defining all Winsshd executable files as installer/updaters in the computer security policy ~ defense plus rule
  3. check you have not got ‘block all requests when the application is closed’ under Defense plus setting ticked
  4. Reboot after making all the above settings and re-try Wsshd

If this does not work, please make a bug report in the standard format referred to in the stickies. Please link in the previous topic - or I will if you like.

Hopefully it will work. But if not the new system means that we will track the solution to this bug better.

Frustrating I know. :slight_smile:

Best wishes


Oh if you need any help with the new format please do ask!

After several tries, I managed to run a version of “WinSSHD 5.09” and “Comodo 5” :slight_smile: … but as with the version of “Comodo 4 or 5” it is impossible to run the version “WinSSHD 5.19”

If someone comes to thank you for sharing his “setup” :slight_smile:

Hi Steph

Did you use the steps 1-4 I suggested above to run WinSSHD? If it was not easy to understand I can try to explain by PM. Even in French if you can bear with my bad grammar!


Best wishes


Hello Mouse,

I just do the test with the version “WinSSHD 5.19” (the last) and it does not work.
I will still stay with my version of “WinSSHD 5.09” that works (maybe in version “Comodo 6”, this will be corrected) :wink:

With “Outpost Firewall Pro 7.0 x64” the latest version of “WinSSHD 5.19” works without problem, but I do not use it …

Thanks Steph

Can you manage a bug report in the new format: here?

Best to do it by editing the first post, so its at the top.

If not, because of English problems, just say so and we’ll find a way.

Best wishes


Hello Mouse1,

Did I filled the bug report ?


He is in good tread ?

THanks very much Steph, a very good issue report, and your English is fine.

Just one query on the report: what is you CIS configuration? Just right click on the CIS tray icon to find it.

Also could you try two more tests. One to help me find out whether guardxx.dll exclusion is actually working in CIS 5. One to just to check it’s defense plus that is the problem.

Please could you:

  1. Disable Avast to the maximum extent possible, then reboot and re-try WinSSHD

  2. Tick disable defence plus permanently, then reboot and re try WinSSHD. Then untick this, and reboot.

  3. Rename guard32.dll (32 bit system) guard64.dll (64 bit system). You’ll find them in Windows\system32. Then reboot. Retry WinSSHD. Then rename guardxx.dll back to the original name and reboot - or keep it renamed if it works - but remember that your security level will be reduced if you do.

Then I’ll send it across to verified reports and give it a tracking ID

Best wishes and many thanks again


  1. Disable Avast to the maximum extent possible, then reboot and re-try WinSSHD
    OK, Avast uninstalled → Winsshd still does not

  2. Tick disable defence plus permanently, then reboot and re try WinSSHD.

;D Winsshd 5.19 works perfectly !

Then untick this, and reboot.

:frowning: does not

  1. Rename guard32.dll (32 bit system) guard64.dll (64 bit system). You’ll find them in Windows\system32. Then reboot. Retry WinSSHD. Then rename guardxx.dll back to the original name and reboot - or keep it renamed if it works - but remember that your security level will be reduced if you do.

I renamed “guard64.dll” to “guardxxx.dll”, reboot → ;D Winsshd 5.19 works perfectly !

There … I prefer to have “WinSSHD 5.09” that works without removing protection in “Comodo” that use “WinSSHD” 5.19" with optional protections removed in “Comodo”

I remain at your disposal to make another test :wink:

Thanks Steph

I think I have run out of tests :wink:

But I’ll ask if I think of any more - for sure!

You seem to have established that BO exclusion is not giving guard32 exclusion. Quite an achievement!

I’ll forward this now as a verified issue. Let’s hope for a fix.

It could not be better documented.

Thanks very much for that

Best wishes


Oh just to check you ran those tests against version 5.0.xxx.1135. Your report refers to version 4 as well as 5!

Also that you ran this check against version 5.0.xx.1135. Sorry should have asked earlier!

Yes, my last test refers to Comodo 5

Yes with “Comodo 4” AND (now) with “Comodo 5” :wink:

Thanks very much Steph


Problem is solving by adding c:\windows\system32\cmd.exe to exclusion of Buffer overflow protection (D±>D+ Settings->Execution control settings->Exclusions)
SwissSteph confirmed me in PM, what after adding cmd.exe to BO exclusions SSHD 5.19 works fine with CIS.

Thanks very much, it would be very helpful to our work helping users if you could explain a) why this works b) whether it is safe for users more generally to do this.

Many thanks


a) Described issue is probably caused by a specific functioning of SSHD. When we launch a remote terminal, it seems that SSHD performs injection operation to cmd.exe (e.g. launching cmd.exe as virtual user), which is blocked by CIS.
b) I think it doesn’t cause any serious problems concerning user’s safety, because D+ in any case will protect cmd.exe from activity of unrecognized application and show an alert.

Thanks very much, that is very clear, and will help us guide others.
