Windows7 - unable to import / export configuration

I use Windows 7 64bit and I can’t import nor export my configurations. It’s kind of urgent and important as configuring the whole CIS (Especially the Firewall) from scratch is a hell. If you don’y have an answer for me regarding importing/exporting please try to answer another question - can CIS configuration (firewall rules) be viewed outside CIS for reference.

I hope I won’t have to do everything from scratch :frowning:


--------------------------- COMODO Internet Security --------------------------- Unable to obtain necessary rights. Please run this utility as Administrator and try again. --------------------------- OK ---------------------------

but I have admin rights and I installed comodo cis as admin.

Anyone? :frowning:

Go to the Comodo installation folder and set all executables to be run as admin.

This is very important to me. I will appreciate if you could carry on the “investigation” with me and I will make every possible effort to get you all the info you’ll need.

Here’s how I’ve set up settings for all exe files in my CIS folder in the following order:

  • all the options from the Security tab set
  • restart and test of configuration export, failed
  • Run this program as and administrator from Compatibility tab options set
  • restart, CIS fails to start
  • clean reinstallation
  • all the options from the Security tab set, Run this program as and administrator from Compatibility tab options set, Run this program as and administrator options set for all users
  • restart, CIS fails to start
  • clean reinstallation
  • exe files options I’ve set are remembered and are the same after reinstallation unfortunately, so I can’t even start CIS now

I had to reinstall to different location to restore the default settings for all exe files. I’ve learned my lesson. Next time I will make a sshot of original settings first. I’m still looking forward to hearing from you.


  • clean reinstallation in new location
  • Run this program as and administrator from Compatibility tab options set
  • restart, CIS fails to start

I give up untill I get some hints… :frowning:

Windows 7 Settings for CIS.
Intall CIS by following orders.

Before install CIS.
-Do not use Vista Compatibility mode!
-Do not touch any settings for Admin rights.
-Uninstall CIS.
-Delete all of registries are related with CIS.
-Delete CIS folder if it exists.

Installation Process.
1.Turn off UAC
2.Turn off Windows firewall
3.Turn off Windows Defender
5.Right click CIS install file.
6.choose ‘Run as Administrator’.
7.Do not scan your system before you install CIS.
(CIS will ask you about scanning, don’t allow it)
8.When CIS asks you ‘~trust always COMODO~’,check ‘trust always’.
And then keep going.

Tell me about your Windows 7.
1.What is your Windows 7 build No?
2.What kind of windows 7 is that? Ultimate(enterprise), Pro, Home?
3.Is that pure version of Windows 7 from MSDN or Technet?
4.Did you check the SHA1 value(hash value)?

It worked! Thank you very much. I had a lot of useful predefs there including rules preventing logging some annoying traffic (thousands of entries), mail client+web browser combined predef for Opera etc.

Do you still need my system information? I will remember to include it in initial post next time.

1 ,2.
I tried to obtain this info but how Windows 7 (and Vista) handles it is a mockery - it simply does not provide such information! I had to use this tip and look into HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion
System information acquired there:
ProductName Windows 7 Professional
BuildLabEx 7600.16385.amd64fre.win7_rtm.090713-1255
EditionID Professional

3. It is MSDN AA version

4. SHA1 value for CIS is not provided here Download Antivirus for Mac | Free Antivirus Software for Mac so I think I can safely state that it is not provided at all.

BTW, none of these happened during installation:

7.Do not scan your system before you install CIS. (CIS will ask you about scanning, don't allow it) 8.When CIS asks you '~trust always COMODO~',check 'trust always'. And then keep going.

How to obtain the informations about your Windows 7.

Run command prompt.
You can obtain the informations with following commands.
(D+ will ask you Winver.exe, wscript.exe allow them all)
You don’t need to search any registry.

Windows version: You can only see short information.


License type, version, build number, the other detailed informations about Windows 7.

slmgr.vbs /dlv

Activation check.

slmgr.vbs -xpr

I was asking you about SHA1 not CIS but Windows 7. ;D
You said it’s from MSDN AA. So it’s safe.

Hah, good one! ;D
Thnk you for the commands. The first one is what everyone need.

Thank you again for solving my problem. I bet everyone will use the instructions now. Shouldn’t it be sticky or FAQ?

No problem.

I bet everyone will use the instructions now. Shouldn't it be sticky or FAQ?

I hope so.

I’ve been using Comodo for quite some time now.

The entire list of directions that was posted to make export / import work can be simplified to this:
Disable UAC

BUT, this means that Comodo needs to update or change the way it operates, as turning off UAC completely is not a good idea any more (it was somewhat wise back in Vista, as UAC was extremely annoying there).

For the time being, one can disable UAC just to export / import Comodo settings and then turn UAC back on again, but this really shouldn’t be a long term solution.

UAC is a double-edged sword.
It’s good to prevent malware activities.
However, it gives us many compability issues which are blue screens,
malfunctions of programs etc.
Many people don’t know why they have blue screens, malfunctions of
programs with Windows 7.
We don’t need to use UAC if we use D+ or any security softwares based on HIPS.
UAC is good for people who are the beginners.
Windows 7 has lower UAC notice frequency than Windows Vista though.(28% less)
But it still have a problem which takes too much time from people who use Windows 7.
You can choose one of them.

1.if you think you are a beginner, use UAC.

2.if you think you are an expert who use HIPS softwares, you can turn it off.

3.if you think you are a security addict, use UAC+D+(HIPS).

I recommend people who want protect their PC using CIS D+ instead of UAC.

UAC gives us rather the loss than the benefit.

For the time being, one can disable UAC just to export / import Comodo settings and then turn UAC back on again, but this really shouldn't be a long term solution.
Turning UAC back on again gives us nothing different. UAC still makes lot of problems. There will be some improvements for the next. But I expect MS will remove UAC someday.

[attachment deleted by admin]

On Win 7 here and it is rock stable. Make sure you are installing it from a proper version (think hash checked).

We don't need to use UAC if we use D+ or any security softwares based on HIPS. UAC is good for people who are the beginners. Windows 7 has lower UAC notice frequency than Windows Vista though.(28% less) But it still have a problem which takes too much time from people who use Windows 7. You can choose one of them.

1.if you think you are a beginner, use UAC.

2.if you think you are an expert who use HIPS softwares, you can turn it off.

3.if you think you are a security addict, use UAC+D+(HIPS).

I recommend people who want protect their PC using CIS D+ instead of UAC.

Nothing to add here.

[b]UAC gives us rather the loss than the benefit[/b]. Turning UAC back on again gives us nothing different. UAC still makes lot of problems. There will be some improvements for the next. But I expect MS will remove UAC someday.
I don't think MS will remove it any time soom. User Account Control basically had three tasks.

One is to try to make the users look before they leap. The other one was to annoy so the users would complain with the makers of the software they were using.

Here comes the third reason. Complaining customers would urge software makers to make their programs work more according to MS standards; too many programs were not following them and were needlessly requiring admin privileges for their applications. It seems to me MS is trying to move more toward sthe Linux/Unix world where there is a much stricter separation between standard user mode and admin mode.

For a better understanding of the Windows UAC I’d suggest the following:

The last has some very interesting information.

Yes, YOU have admin rights, but CIS has not.
So all you have to do is to restart CIS with admin rights. (As CIS told you)
Therefor you first have to close CIS by right-clicking the tray-icon and choosing “exit”.
Then start CIS with admin rights, eg. by right-clicking the CIS-startmenu-shortcut and choosing “run as admin”.
Now you should be able to import / export configuration without turning UAC off.

Don’t worry about it.
It’s directly downloaded from MSDN.
Windows 7 is stable for me but some people are having problems with Windows 7.
It depands on their Hardwares, Drivers, installed softwares, Windows 7 settings etc.
Those incompatibilities cause following problems.

1.unstable system

Ex)Kaspersky 2009 makes system freezed, bluescreen(Kaspersky knows about this problem, but works fine with Kaspersky 2010)

But it will be improved.

I don't think MS will remove it any time soom. User Account Control basically had three tasks.

One is to try to make the users look before they leap. The other one was to annoy so the users would complain with the makers of the software they were using.

Here comes the third reason. Complaining customers would urge software makers to make their programs work more according to MS standards; too many programs were not following them and were needlessly requiring admin privileges for their applications. It seems to me MS is trying to move more toward sthe Linux/Unix world where there is a much stricter separation between standard user mode and admin mode.

I don’t think so.
MS will remove current UAC and develop another function instead of curent UAC.
And they will improve UAC. They are still developing it.
You will see it someday.

For your guidance.
MS already has been started to hire the programmers who will participate in developing Windows 8.
They said they will change and improve UAC for Windows 8 unofficially.

I know about UAC. :wink:

If you fully understand UAC and the purpose of UAC, you
can’t say that again.
It’s some old articles that you linked.
Because it had been talked from the beginning of this year(February). :wink:
Many people already knew and talked about long time ago.
Some people think it’s a vulnerability but some people don’t.
Also MS think it’s not a vulnerability.
I don’t think it’s a vulnerability too.

If we think like that people,
Windows 7 , every OS, every softwares are full of vulnerabilities. ;D
They behave like that. Because they always want to attack MS with anything.
If it’s true? good for them
If it’s not true? they don’t care.

Think about it deeply.

There are real vulnerabilities exists.
It will be discussed when retail Windows 7 comes out.
People are waiting for October.
MS can’t deny it’s not a vulnerability.
Expect October. :-TU

There is another way of exporting / importing configuration. Make sure you are offline.

Exit CIS (right click on the system tray icon, choose exit)
From the start menu right click on Comodo Internet Security, choose Run as administrator.

You can now export / import configs.

I recommend a reboot after the operation, just to ensure all modules are loaded properly.
