Windows Updates

Fellow Members.
I am trying to work out why i do not get auto updates from Microsoft,although i get auto updates for Windows Defender.
My setting is to download updates and install at my convenience.
Is it possible that i have to change a setting in Comodo firewall.
Thanks.I would appreciate some guidance.

Hi rambo

Is there anything in CFPs Log corresponding to the Windows Update (WU) attempts? Also, what does WU say when it fails? WU also has a log file in the WINDOWS directory called WindowsUpdate.log, but it is hard to understand.

Thanks Kail.
I actually get nothing just no updates not even a hint.
What is strange is that Defender updates occur regularly and insall perfectly when i want
I can however dowload and install Windows updates Manually.
All very strange.

In order for Windows Updates to occur both these Services must be started:
BITS (Background Intelligence Transfer Service) and
Automatic Updates

While BITS can be set to a “Manual” start, Auto Updates must be on “Automatic.”

Don’t know if that’s the issue, but if those aren’t set that way, it will fail very silently.

Also, you might look in your Activity/Logs (In CFP) for an Application Monitor entry for svchost.exe, and check the Application Monitor for a Block rule on svchost.exe. This is the process that WAU uses to connect to the internet.

I believe that Defender uses a different update mechanism (although I could be wrong).


Thanks LM.
Obviously a lot more learning to do on my behalf.

If Windows Updates previously worked and you have not to your knowledge made any changes to the system Services and whatnot, my bet would be that within Comodo FW, you have inadvertently blocked svchost.exe. The logs would show this process being blocked at the time Updates tries to connect.

A simple way to check that would be to do this:

Go to Activity/Logs. Right-click an entry and select “Clear all logs.”

Then go to Start/Control Panel/Automatic Updates. Open Updates, and turn it Off. Apply, close out. Then go back in, turn it On. This should spark a response where in it will try to check for updates. If not, you can always have it check the Windows Updates website, as it will use svchost.exe in conjunction with IE.

Then go back to the logs, and look for entries showing a block.


In my sig FAQ:

Windows Updates Won't Update,1632.0.html,1702.0.html,1955.0.html,6518.0.html,6579.0.html,6836.0.html,7866.0.html

I can’t remember the last time Windows Update worked,if it ever did.
It certainly did’nt with my previous firewall,but i had so many other problems with ZA Pro that Windows Updates not working was not worth worrying about.
Now i have a firewall that is superb it is about time that i did something about it.
I just thought that there may be a setting somewhere that needed changing to allow Updates to work.
I have not changed anything in Comodo except to disallow auto updating.
Therefore i don’t think the problem is associated with Comodo.
Thanks very much for your trouble.If you have any further thoughts on the subject,please let me know .
Best regards

Hmm…there lots of other possibilities preventing auto updates.

Access Control Panel to see if it’s also enabled from there: System (Properties) > Automatic Updates tab.

Can you manually update them from the site as a test?

If you go to Start/Run, and type in “services.msc” (without the quotation marks) this will open the Services control interface in Windows.

There you can see if the two Services I mentioned earlier are configured “properly” for Windows Updates.


I can obtain Updates manually.
I will find the problem eventually,it will just take time with some imput from friends.
This problem is associated with both my computers and having just had the latest Updates yesterday brought the subject to mind.
I have just finished building my latest computer with a fresh copy of XP.
The only change i have made is to change Auto Updates from totally automatic to auto download and i choose what and when i want to install.
I have made carefull note of everything that has been suggested here and go through it all in due course.
I am most gratefull for all your help.

Well, that’s a little odd then. The manual web-based update goes through pretty much the same process, requires the same Services in the same state, as the auto-update. So if that works, so should the other. Hmm…

If Comodo is blocking something, there should be an entry in the logs. You would have to match it up with the time the auto-update was to have downloaded.


If no CFP log entries, what about Event Viewer log entries? (Start > Run > type eventvwr).

Yes LM it is all very strange but it has always been like that.
It dosn’t really worry me,i much prefer to do these things manually then i know exactly what i am getting.
I just intrigues me that it has never worked and from time to time i try to do something about it.
I appreciate all your assistance.
When i find the answer,as i normally do in time,you can be sure i will let you know.
Best Regards

I have just had a thought ,which will prove without any doubt that the problem is not Comodo.
On Tuesday 12th June i will uninstall Comodo and reactivate the Windows firewall.
That should prove conclusively that Comodo is whiter than white.
What do you think ?

I hope I didn’t disappoint you as I’m not LM 88)

There isn’t a need to uninstall CFP. Just by right-clicking on the CFP icon to set the Security Level to Allow All, it’s the same because all rules and options are opened up. That’s usually a sufficient testing indicator.

Not in the least Soya.
Two heads are better than one.
A month seems a long time to wait but it does give me time to think about it.
Thanks for your suggestion,I makes it so much easier.