Windows Update Hang when No Updates

Hi Shane,

Windows Update bug is not fixed

Regards, Dave

Unable to use Windows Update to install April Updates. Needed to uninstall CSE to update.

Regards, Dave

Hi Dave,

It seems we’ve had mixed results with the LSP and Windows Update issue. So far it seems only certain versions of Windows Update are effected by the existence of an LSP (layered service provider, the network monitoring bit in CSE that scans for e-mails).

When researching this problem we’ve found a few other people developing LSPs that have had the same problems with Windows Update and LSPs. It seems that even an empty dummy LSP that does nothing whatsoever still stops V5 of Windows Update from working.

To assist us, could tell us what version of Windows Update you have installed? To do so, find the following file:


Right click on this file and select Properties, then select the Version tab and then finally Product Version item from the list. You version should probably be from 5.4.3790.1000 to 7.0.6000.381.

Also, could you tell us how you do updates, e.g. are automatic updates on or do you do them manually from your browser?

What IE version and OS do you use?


Shane. :SMLR

Hi Shane,

Sorry to be so long but I’ve not been on the forum in the last couple of days.

Version of C:\WINDOWS\system32\wuaueng.dll is 7.0.6000.381

The problem occurs when I update manually using IE7.

I may have misled you with Windows Update, it’s actually the Microsoft Update V6 I use.

I use Windows XP SP2 Professional with all updates applied (including IE7)

I have Windows XP SP2 Home as well but I have not tried the software on that. I will if you want me to.

Let me know if you require any more info.

Regards, Dave

Same problem on my Windows XP SP2 Home Edition. All versions same as on Professional.

Can’t be sure whether Auto-update works or not on either PC when CSE is installed.

Regards, Dave